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Streaming audio

Title Destinations : orchestral works from Latin American composers
Published Hong Kong : Naxos Digital Services/Navona, [2010]


Description 1 online resource
Contents En tren vá Changó : destination Macondo / Ricardo Lorenz (9:08) -- Milonga en re / Astor Piazzolla (4:53) -- Meditación / Alfonso E. Tenreiro (15:16) -- Chacona para el martirio de Atahualpa / Sergio Cervetti (4:45) -- Danzas latinoamericanas. Otoño en Buenos Aires ; Pan de azúcar ; Atardecet tapatío / Jose Elizondo (12:00) -- Fiesta rugeliana / Carlos Alberto Vázquez (9:19)
Notes Streaming audio
The 1st work is an overture; the 2nd work originally for violin or violoncello and piano; the 4th work from a concerto; the 5th work is a suite, originally for 2 violoncellos
Performer Richard Stolzman, clarinet (2nd work) ; Monika Knoblochova, harpsichord (3rd work) ; Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra (1st, 3rd-6th works) ; Slovak National Philharmonic Orchestra (2nd work) ; Raphael Jiménez (1st work), Kirk Trevor (2nd work), Vit Micka (3rd-6th works), conductors
Event Recorded June 2005, Bratislava, Slovakia (2nd work); and Sept. 2008 (5th work) and June 2009 (1st, 3rd-4th, and 6th works), Olomouc, Czech Republic
Subject Atahualpa, -1533 -- Death and burial -- Songs and music
Atahualpa, -1533.
Orchestral music -- Latin America
Clarinet with orchestra, Arranged
Milongas (Music)
Concertos (Harpsichord with instrumental ensemble) -- Excerpts
Chaconnes (Harpsichord with instrumental ensemble)
Suites (Orchestra), Arranged.
Clarinet with orchestra, Arranged.
Milongas (Music)
Orchestral music.
Suites (Orchestra), Arranged.
Latin America.
Genre/Form Streaming audio
Arrangements (Music)
Art music.
Milongas (Music)
Songs and music.
Milongas (Music)
Arrangements (Music)
Art music.
Form Streaming audio
Author Stoltzman, Richard.
Knoblochová, Monika.
Jiménez, Raphael.
Trevor, Kirk.
Micka, Vít, 1935-
Lorenz, Ricardo. En tren vá Changó.
Piazzolla, Astor. Milonga, violin, piano, D minor; arranged
Tenreiro-Vidal, Alfonso E., 1965- Meditación.
Cervetti, Sergio. Concertos, harpsichord, instrumental ensemble. Chaconne for the martyrdom of Atahualpa.
Elizondo, José L. (José Luis), 1972- Danzas latinoamericanas; arranged
Vázquez, Carlos Alberto, 1952- Fiesta rugeliana.
Moravská filharmonie.
Slovenská filharmónia.
Other Titles Orchestral works from Latin American composers