Cover; CONTENTS; GLOSSARY; EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; TABLES; 1. Main Recommendations; INTRODUCTION; DESCRIPTION OF FINANCIAL MARKET INFRASTRUCTURES IN SWITZERLAND; BOXES; 1. PFMI Responsibility A-E Principle; FIGURE; 1. FMI Landscape in Switzerland; 2. FMIs Regulated, Supervised and Overseen by FINMA and the; ASSESSMENT OF SELECTED ISSUES; A. Effectiveness of the Supervision and Oversight of FMIs; 2. Powers to Induce Change or Enforce Corrective Action; B. Risk Management Framework of SIX Group AG; RECOMMENDATIONS; APPENDICES; I. Legal Structure SIX Group AG (Simplified, June 2013)
II. Organization Structure of SIX Group AGIII. Detailed Description of Systemically Important FMIs; APPENDIX TABLES; 3. Key Statistics SIC, SIX x-Clear AG and SIX SIS AG; IV. Legal Framework Governing FMIs in Switzerland; V. National and International Cooperation Agreements; VI. Risk Management Framework SIX Group AG; VII. Risk Management Tools of Systemically Important FMIs; 4. Operational Risk Management Measures FMIs; 5. Risk Management Tools SIC; 6. Risk Management Tools SIX x-clear AG; 7. Risk Management Tools SIX SIS AG
Switzerland: Technical Note-Oversight, Supervision, and Risk Management of Financial Market Infrastructures
"Prepared by Monetary and Capital Markets Department"--Page 2 of pdf
"September 2014."
Includes bibliographical references
Online resource; title from pdf title page (IMF Web site, viewed September 8, 2014)