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Author New Hampshire. General Court. House of Representatives. Judiciary Committee

Title Proceedings and testimony before the Judiciary Committee of the House, in the investigation of charges of bribery of members of the Legislature
Published Concord, N.H. : [publisher not identified], 1887?


Description 1 online resource (462, [2] pages)
Summary Concerning charges "that members have been improperly approached and corruptly solicited to vote and act on the railroad bills now pending."
Notes Title from PDF title page, viewed Jan. 29, 2008
Subject New Hampshire. General Court. House of Representatives -- Trials, litigation, etc
Boston and Maine Railroad -- Trials, litigation, etc
Boston and Maine Railroad
New Hampshire. General Court. House of Representatives
Bribery -- New Hampshire -- Cases
Railroad law -- New Hampshire -- Cases
Politics and government
Railroad law
New Hampshire -- Politics and government.
New Hampshire
Genre/Form Trials, litigation, etc.
Form Electronic book
Other Titles At head of title: State of New Hampshire, June Session, 1887