"Second ghetto" or surrogate suburb?: black mobility in the twentieth-century outer city -- The roots of upward mobility: outlying black settlement before 1940 -- Expanding black settlement in the 1940s: Glenville and Mount Pleasant -- Zoning, development, and residential access: Lee-Miles in the 1950s and 1960s -- Racial residential transition at the periphery: neighborhood contrasts -- Mobility and insecurity: dilemmas of the black middle class -- Urban change and reform agendas in Cleveland's black middle-class neighborhoods, 1950-1980
In this history of Cleveland's black middle class, Todd Michney uncovers the creative ways that a nascent community established footholds in areas outside the overcrowded, inner-city neighbourhoods to which most African Americans were consigned. Michney offers a valuable counterweight to histories that have focused on racial conflict and black poverty