Logic based program synthesis and transformation : 14th international symposium, LOPSTR 2004, Verona, Italy, August 26-28, 2004 : revised selected papers / Sandro Etalle (ed.)
Verification and Analysis -- Searching Semantically Equivalent Code Fragments in Logic Programs -- Determinacy Analysis for Logic Programs Using Mode and Type Information -- Mechanical Verification of Automatic Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Programs -- Fully Automatic Binding-Time Analysis for Prolog -- Theory and Security -- Logical Mobility and Locality Types -- Unwinding Conditions for Security in Imperative Languages -- Natural Rewriting for General Term Rewriting Systems -- Transformations -- Negation Elimination for Finite PCFGs -- Specialization of Concurrent Guarded Multi-set Transformation Rules -- Efficient Local Unfolding with Ancestor Stacks for Full Prolog -- Program Development -- Schema-Guided Synthesis of Imperative Programs by Constraint Solving -- Run-Time Profiling of Functional Logic Programs -- Constructive Specifications for Compositional Units -- Termination -- Input-Termination of Logic Programs -- On Termination of Binary CLP Programs -- Program Development and Synthesis -- From Natural Semantics to Abstract Machines -- Graph-Based Proof Counting and Enumeration with Applications for Program Fragment Synthesis
"This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at LOPSTR 2004, the 14th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation. LOPSTR 2004 took place in Verona, Italy, and was co-located with the International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2004), the ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Program Manipulation (PEPM 2004), and the 6th ACM-SIGPLAN International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2004)."
computer sciences
kunstmatige intelligentie
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Information and Communication Technology (General)