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Book Cover

Title Proportional liability : analytical and comparative perspectives / Israel Gilead, Michael D. Green, Bernhard A. Koch (eds) ; with contributions by Bjarte Askeland [and 22 others]
Published Berlin : De Gruyter, [2013]
Table of Contents
 General Report: Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability: Analytical and Comparative Report / Bernhard A. Koch1
1.Meaning and Definition of Proportional Liability in the Project1
2.Causal Proportional Liability Contrasted with Proportional Liability Among Multiple Tortfeasors Based on Contributory (Comparative) Negligence3
3.The Aim of This Project4
II.Categories of Proportional Liability10
1.Why Categorize?10
2.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm12
A.Sub-category A1 - àlternative liability' - indeterminate tortfeasors12
B.Sub-category A2 - ̀market-share liability' - causally unrelated tortfeasors and victims13
C.Sub-category A3 - ̀pollution or drug cases' - indeterminate victims13
D.Sub-category A4 - ̀The hard case'14
E.Sub-category A5 - ̀lost chances'14
3.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm15
A.Sub-category B1 - all parts of P's harm were caused by liable Ds15
B.Sub-category B2 - some parts of P's harm were caused by other factors16
4.Category C - Unrealized Risks with Potential for Future Harms16
5.Category D - ̀Combination Cases'17
III.Policy Considerations17
IV.Burden and Standard of Proof20
V.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm22
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor23
B.A1 cases in comparison25
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims26
B.A2 cases in comparison30
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims31
B.A3 cases in comparison34
4.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'35
B.A4 cases in comparison38
5.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine39
B.A5 cases in comparison43
VI.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm44
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors45
B.B1 cases in comparison47
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors48
B.B2 cases in comparison49
VII.Category C - Risks of Future Harm50
1.Sub-category C1 - Future Harm Uncertain Entirely51
B.C1 cases in comparison52
2.Sub-Category C2 - Extent of Future Harm Uncertain54
B.C2 cases in comparison55
VIII.Category D - ̀Combination Cases'56
1.On the meaning of combination cases56
2.How to cope with ̀combination cases'57
IX.Summary and Conclusions58
1.How to Approach CPL Issues?59
2.The Relevant Factual Effects of CPL59
3.Normative Considerations61
4.On the Cautious Monitored Development of CPL62
5.On the Comparative Landscape64
6.On Future Developments66
 Categories of Proportional Liability69
Category A Uncertain Causes of Past Harm69
Sub-category A1 Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor69
Sub-category A2 M̀arket-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims69
Sub-category A3 P̀ollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims70
Sub-category A4 T̀he Hard Case'70
Sub-category A5 The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine71
Category B Indeterminate Parts of Harm71
Sub-category B1 Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors71
Sub-category B2 Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors72
Category C Risks of Future Harm72
Sub-category C1 Future Harm Uncertain Entirely73
Sub-category C2 Extent of Future Harm Uncertain73
Category D C̀ombination Cases'73
 Country Reports 
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Austria / Bernhard A. Koch77
I.Standard of Proof77
II.The Discussion of Proportional Liability in Austria79
A.The Starting Point - Multiple Tortfeasors under the ABGB79
B.Alternative Causes80
1.Alternative External Causes80
2.Alternative External Causes Competing with Risks within the Victim's own Sphere83
C.Other Instances of Causal Uncertainty87
1.Alternative Victims87
2.Minimal Causation88
3.Loss of a Chance88
4.Market-Share Liability90
D.The Two Drafts of a Tort Law Reform - One Step Forward and Two Steps Back90
III.The Case Hypotheticals from an Austrian Perspective92
A.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm92
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor92
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims92
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution of Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims93
4.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'93
5.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine93
B.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm94
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors94
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors95
C.Category C - Risks of Future Harm95
D.Category D - ̀Combination Cases'96
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in the Czech Republic / Jiri Hradek99
I.Definition of Proportional Liability99
B.Legal Provisions of Substantive Law99
1.Provisions on Multiple Tortfeasors99
3.Provisions on Proportional Liability104
II.Policy Consideration105
III.Burden of Proof106
A.Legal Provisions106
B.Possible Changes108
IV.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm110
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor110
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims111
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims111
4.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'113
5.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine113
V.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm114
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors114
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors115
VI.Category C - Risks of Future Harm116
1.Sub-category C1 - Future Harm Uncertain Entirely116
2.Sub-category C2 - Extent of Future Harm Uncertain116
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Denmark / Vibe Ulfbeck117
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in England and Wales / Ken Oliphant121
 Meaning of ̀Proportional Liability'121
II.Proportional Liability: The Fairchild Exception122
A.Starting Points122
B.Orthodox Approach to Alternative Causes123
C.Fairchild and beyond124
III.The Categories of Proportional Liability128
A.Alternative Liability (Unidentified Tortfeasor)128
B.M̀arket-Share Liability' (A Closed Set of Tortfeasors and Victims)128
C.Pollution and Drug Cases (Unidentified Victim)129
D.Increased Risk130
E.The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine131
F.Certain Causation - Uncertain Extent (Only Tortious Causes)134
G.Certain Causation - Uncertain Extent (Tortious and Non-Tortious Causes)135
H.Causal Uncertainty as to Future Harm136
IV.Concluding Remarks139
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in France / Olivier Moreteau141
II.Burden and Standard of Proof141
III.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm143
1.Sub-Category A4 - A5: The ̀Hard Case' and Lost Chances143
2.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor144
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims147
4.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims147
IV.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm148
V.Category C - Risks of Future Harm150
1.Sub-category C1 - Future Harm Uncertain Entirely151
2.Sub-category C2 - Extent of Future Harm Uncertain151
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Germany / Ulrich Magnus153
I.Definition of Proportional Liability153
II.Categories of Proportional Liability155
III.Policy Considerations155
3.Reduction of Administrative Costs158
4.Further Policy Considerations158
IV.Burden of Proof158
1.In General158
2.Standard of Proof159
V.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm160
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate - Tortfeasor160
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims161
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims162
4.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'162
5.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine163
VI.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm163
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors163
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors164
VII.Category C - Risks of Future Harm164
1.Sub-category C1 - Future Harm Uncertain Entirely164
2.Sub-category C2 - Extent of Future Harm Uncertain164
VIII.Category D - ̀Combination Cases'165
1.In General165
2.The Relevant Factual Effects of Proportional Liability165
(a).Gainers and Losers165
(b).Effect on Incentives166
(c).Number of Suits167
(d).Costs of Suits167
(e).Informational Difficulties168
(f).Distribution of Probabilities168
(g).Degree of Fault168
(h).Degree of Uncertainty168
3.Policy Considerations168
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Greece / Eugenia Dacoronia171
 General Definition171
II.Policy Considerations173
III.Burden and Standard of Proof173
IV.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm174
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor174
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims175
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims176
4.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'177
5.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine178
V.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm179
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors179
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors179
VI.Category C - Risks of Future Harm180
1.Sub-category C1 - Future Harm Uncertain Entirely180
2.Sub-category C2 - Extent of Future Harm Uncertain181
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Israel / Israel Gilead183
II.The Malul Case183
III.Burden and Standard of Proof185
V.Policy Considerations187
VI.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm188
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor188
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims189
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims190
4.Sub-Categories A4 and A5 - ̀Hard Cases' and ̀Lost Chances'191
 Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine192
 Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'193
VII.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm194
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors194
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors195
VIII.Category C - Risks of Future Harm196
IX.Concluding Remarks197
 Proportional Liability in Uncertain Settings: Is it Precautionary? Italian Insights and Comparative Policy Considerations / Luca Nocco199
I.In Search of a Definition for Proportional Liability199
B.The Standard of Proof201
C.Reasons to Introduce a Rule of Proportional Liability and Policy Related Implications203
II.In Search of Instances for Proportional Liability206
A.The First Category of Proportional Liability (and Tools Aiming to Achieve Similar Objectives): Uncertainty Regarding the Link Between Defendant's Conduct and Harm206
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor206
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims211
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims212
4.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'212
5.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine213
B.Some Insights on Proportional Liability and Uncertainty215
C.The Second Category of Proportional Liability: Indeterminate Parts of Harm219
D.The Third Category of Proportional Liability: Uncertain Materialisation of Risk220
III.In Search of a Reasonable Proportional Liability Rule for Uncertain Settings223
 Going Dutch: How to Address Cases of Causal Uncertainty / Anne L.M. Keirse227
II.An All-or-Nothing External Liability Paired with an Internal Proportional Apportionment228
III.The Reversal of the Burden of Proof232
IV.The Theory of the Loss of a Chance: A Step Closer towards Accepting Proportional Liability232
V.Proportional Liability: No Longer an Ìnternal Matter'235
VI.Proportional Liability Confirmed240
VII.Follow-up case law242
VIII.Concluding Remarks245
 Annex: Short answers to the cases from a Dutch perspective246
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Norway / Bjarte Askeland249
 Existing Solutions to the Various Categories251
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Poland / Ewa Baginska253
II.General Remarks on Causation and Burden of Proof in Polish Law254
B.Burden of Proof256
III.The Way to the Coronation of the Rule of Joint and Several Liability in Polish Law259
A.The Rise and Fall of Proportional Liability in Polish Law259
B.The Main Characteristics of Joint and Several Liability261
IV.Possible Application of Proportional Liability - Specific Categories262
A.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm262
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor262
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims264
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims265
4.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'266
5.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine268
B.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm270
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors270
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors273
C.Category C - Risks of Future Harm274
D.Category D - ̀Combination Cases'276
V.Final Observations278
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in South Africa / Johann Neethling283
I.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm283
A.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor283
B.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims285
C.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims286
D.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'287
E.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine288
II.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm289
A.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors289
B.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors290
III.Category C - Risks of Future Harm292
A.Sub-category C1 - Future Harm Uncertain Entirely292
B.Sub-category C2 Extent of Euture Harm Uncertain292
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Spain / Josep Sole295
A.The proof of causation under Spanish Law295
B.Procedural means to overcome uncertainty296
C.The notion of ̀proportional liability' in current Spanish law297
D.Policy considerations in the Spanish debate299
II.Categories of proportional liability300
A.Uncertainty about past harm300
1.Indeterminate tortfeasors (àlternative liability')300
2.Causally unrelated tortfeasors and victims (̀market-share liability')304
3.Indeterminate Victim (̀Pollution or Drug Cases')306
4.The ̀Hard Case' category306
5.The ̀Loss of Chance' Doctrine309
B.Indeterminate Parts of Harm312
1.All the parts of the harm-were caused by a group of tortious defendants312
2.Part of the harm caused by contributory negligence of the victim or by a non-tortious factor314
C.Unrealised risks of future harm315
D.Combination cases317
III.Final remarks318
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in Switzerland / Benedict Winiger323
I.Definition of Proportional Liability323
II.Categories of Proportional Liability325
III.Policy Considerations326
IV.Burden and Standard of Proof328
V.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm330
1.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor330
2.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims331
3.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims332
4.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'333
5.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine333
VI.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm336
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors336
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors337
VII.Category C - Risks of Future Harm337
1.Sub-category C1 - Future Harm Uncertain Entirely337
2.Sub-category C2 - Extent of Future Harm Uncertain338
VIII.Category D - ̀Combination Cases'339
 Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability in the US / Michael D. Green343
I.Burden and Standard of Proof343
II.The Meaning of Proportional Liability343
III.Scholarly Treatment of Proportional Liability in the US344
IV.Policy Considerations351
V.The Categories of Proportional Liability353
A.Category A - Uncertain Causes of Past Harm353
2.Sub-category A1 - Àlternative Liability' - Indeterminate Tortfeasor356
3.Sub-category A2 - ̀Market-share Liability' - Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims357
4.Sub-category A3 - ̀Pollution or Drug Cases' - Indeterminate Victims357
5.Sub-category A4 - ̀The Hard Case'360
6.Sub-category A5 - The ̀Lost Chance' Doctrine362
B.Category B - Indeterminate Parts of Harm365
1.Sub-category B1 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors365
2.Sub-category B2 - Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors367
C.Category C - Risks of Future Harm368
1.Sub-category C1 - Future Harm Uncertain Entirely368
2.Sub-category C2 - Extent of Future Harm Uncertain369
 List of Contributors371


Description 1 online resource (xix, 376 pages)
Series Tort and Insurance Law ; Vol 33
Tort and insurance law ; v. 33.
Contents General Report: Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability: Analytical and Comparative Report; I. Introduction; 1. Meaning and Definition of Proportional Liability in the Project; 2. Causal Proportional Liability Contrasted with Proportional Liability Among Multiple Tortfeasors Based on Contributory (Comparative) Negligence; 3. The Aim of This Project; 4. Structure; II. Categories of Proportional Liability; 1. Why Categorize?; 2. Category A -- Uncertain Causes of Past Harm; A. Sub-category A1 -- 'alternative liability' -- indeterminate tortfeasors
B. Sub-category A2 -- 'market-share liability' -- causally unrelated tortfeasors and victimsC. Sub-category A3 -- 'pollution or drug cases' -- indeterminate victims; D. Sub-category A4 -- 'The hard case'; E. Sub-category A5 -- 'lost chances'; 3. Category B -- Indeterminate Parts of Harm; A. Sub-category B1 -- all parts of P's harm were caused by liable Ds; B. Sub-category B2 -- some parts of P's harm were caused by other factors; 4. Category C -- Unrealized Risks with Potential for Future Harms; 5. Category D -- 'Combination Cases'; III. Policy Considerations; IV. Burden and Standard of Proof
v. Category A -- Uncertain Causes of Past Harm1. Sub-category A1 -- 'Alternative Liability' -- Indeterminate Tortfeasor; A. Analysis; B. A1 cases in comparison; 2. Sub-category A2 -- 'Market-share Liability' -- Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims; A. Analysis; B. A2 cases in comparison; 3. Sub-category A3 -- 'Pollution or Drug Cases' -- Indeterminate Victims; A. Analysis; B. A3 cases in comparison; 4. Sub-category A4 -- 'The Hard Case'; A. Analysis; B. A4 cases in comparison; 5. Sub-category A5 -- The 'Lost Chance' Doctrine; A. Analysis; B. A5 cases in comparison
VI. Category B -- Indeterminate Parts of Harm1. Sub-category B1 -- Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Tortious Actors; A. Analysis; B. B1 cases in comparison; 2. Sub-category B2 -- Indeterminate Parts of Harm Caused by Non-tortious Factors; A. Analysis; B. B2 cases in comparison; VII. Category C -- Risks of Future Harm; 1. Sub-category C1 -- Future Harm Uncertain Entirely; A. Analysis; B. C1 cases in comparison; 2. Sub-Category C2 -- Extent of Future Harm Uncertain; A. Analysis; B. C2 cases in comparison; VIII. Category D -- 'Combination Cases'; 1. On the meaning of combination cases
2. How to cope with 'combination cases'IX. Summary and Conclusions; 1. How to Approach CPL Issues?; 2. The Relevant Factual Effects of CPL; 3. Normative Considerations; 4. On the Cautious Monitored Development of CPL; 5. On the Comparative Landscape; 6. On Future Developments; Categories of Proportional Liability; Category A -- Uncertain Causes of Past Harm; Sub-category A1 -- 'Alternative Liability' -- Indeterminate Tortfeasor; Sub-category A2 -- 'Market-share Liability' -- Causally Unrelated Tortfeasors and Victims; Sub-category A3 -- 'Pollution or Drug Cases' -- Indeterminate Victims
Sub-category A4 -- 'The Hard Case'
Summary Courts have, traditionally, required the plaintiff to prove to the requisite standard of proof that causation exists. This monograph addresses what has, to date, been a modest reform toward permitting recovery based on a probability that causation exists, discounting the damages awarded by the probability of causation. The central purpose of our inquiry is to employ a comparative methodology to better understand how different legal systems respond to causal uncertainty and to examine why, how and in what situations rules of proportional liability can promote the goals of tort law
Analysis Tort Law
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes In English
Print version record
Subject Liability (Law)
Torts -- United States
LAW -- Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice.
Liability (Law)
United States
Form Electronic book
Author Gilʻad, Yiśraʼel.
Green, Michael D., 1950-
Koch, Bernhard A.
Askeland, Bjarte.
ISBN 9783110282580