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Author Italy-Japan Symposium on Heavy Ion Physics (4th : 2001 : Wakō-shi and Tokyo, Japan)

Title Perspectives in heavy ion physics : 4th Italy-Japan Symposium, RIKEN & University of Tokyo, Japan, 26-29 September 2001 / K. Yoshida [and others] ; preface by Shigeru Kubono
Published Singapore ; River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, ©2002


Description 1 online resource
Contents Nuclear structure. Overview and the scope of HI physics / M. Ishihara. New structure problems in drip line nuclei / H. Sagawa. Microscopic models for the particle-vibration coupling in exotic nuclei / P.F. Bortignon. Coulomb dissociation of halo nuclei / T. Nakamura. Proton knockout reactions from RI beams / T. Kobayashi. Shell formation and disappearance in exotic nuclei around N=20 / Y. Utsuno [and others]. Superheavy hydrogen 5H / A. Korsheninnikov [and others]. Exotic cluster structure in light neutron-rich nuclei / N. Itagaki [and others]. Absorbing boundary condition approach for breakup reactions of halo nuclei / M. Ueda, K. Yabana, and T. Nakatsukasa. Magnetic moment of the ground state of [symbol]C / H. Ueno [and others] -- Nuclear reaction. Surface diffuseness anomaly in heavy-ion fusion potentials / K. Hagino [and others]. Coulomb-nuclear coupling and interference effects in the breakup of halo nuclei / A. Bonaccorso. Dependence of heavy-ion fusion reaction on nuclear deformation and nuclear shell structure / H. Ikezoe [and others]. Reaction theory for synthesis of superheavy elements / Y. Abe, C. Shen, and G. Kosenko. Intermediate mass fragments emission in peripheral heavy-ion collisions / M. Bini [and others]. Clustering aspects in nuclear structure and collisions / H. Horiuchi. Multinucleon transfer reactions / G. Pollarolo and F. Cerutti. Nuclear reactions below 20 A MeV studied with the LNL 8[symbol]LP spectrometer / E. Fioretto [and others] -- Sub-nucleon freedom. Relativistic heavy ion researches at CERN: from SPS to ALICE / A. Musso, R. Arnaldi, and A. Ferretti. RHIC spin project -- opening a new era of hadron physics / H. En'yo. First results from RHIC / H. Hamagaki. Dynamics of the quark-gluon plasma / A. Bonasera, T. Maruyama, and S. Chiba. Gamow-Teller quenching to pion condensation / H. Sakai -- Nuclear astrophysics. Cosmological and supernova nucleosyntheses / T. Kajino [and others]. Results and programs at LNS / M. Lattuada. Studies of Coulomb excitation and Coulomb dissociation for nuclear astrophysics / T. Motobayashi. LUNA, the first underground laboratory for nuclear astrophysics: recent results and future perspectives / P. Corvisiero and Luna collaboration. Cross section of [symbol]He([symbol]He, 2p)[symbol]He measured over the energy range of 45 to 26 keV / T. Itahashi [and others]. Nuclear astrophysics experiments with a laser-electron photon beam / H. Utsunomiya [and others]. The r-process in core-collapse supernovae / S. Wanajo [and others]
Technology of RI beams. Research facilities at RCNP / K. Hatanaka. Slow and trapped RNB from a projectile fragment separator and their applications / M. Wada. A KEK-JAERI joint RNB project / H. Miyatake [and others]. Production of low-energy RI beams with the in-flight separator CRIB / T. Teranishi [and others]. RIB projects of Sendai new cyclotron / T. Shinozuka. Secondary beam separation with recoil mass separator at Kyushu University tandem accelerator laboratory / N. Ikeda [and others]. Spin-polarized solid proton target (SPSPT) for experiments with the radio-isotope beam / M. Hatano [and others] -- Photon detectors. Development of gamma-ray detector arrays / D. Bazzacco [and others]. Ge array for in-beam spectroscopy of fast-moving exotic nuclei / S. Shimoura. Euroball 5 years of experiments and future perspectives / F. Camera and M. Pignanelli. Hypernuclear gamma-ray spectroscopy -- a breakthrough in strangeness nuclear physics / H. Tamura. Insights on the population of the superdeformed bands using the EUROGAM II-DIAMANT apparatus / G. La Rana [and others]. In-beam [symbol]-ray spectroscopy of neutron-rich nuclei with inelastic scattering / H. Iwasaki. Polarized photon beam facility at SPring-8 / T. Nakano -- Application of nuclear beams. Compton camera for multitracer / S. Motomura [and others] -- Public session. Renaissance in nuclear physics with RI beams / I. Tanihata. Nuclear physics in Italy / C. Signorini. Multitracer technology in biology / S. Enomoto and R. Hirunuma -- Program -- List of participants
Summary The proceedings of the 4th Italy-Japan Symposium on Heavy Ion Physics cover the following fields of nuclear physics: heavy ion nuclear reactions; nuclei under extreme conditions; nuclear astrophysics; photon detectors and physics; technology of RI beams and experimental instrumentation; application of RI beams
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references
Subject Heavy ions -- Congresses
Nuclear astrophysics -- Congresses
Nuclear physics -- Congresses
SCIENCE -- Physics -- Nuclear.
Heavy ions
Nuclear astrophysics
Nuclear physics
Genre/Form Conference papers and proceedings
Form Electronic book
Author Yoshida, K. (Koichi), 1963-
ISBN 9789812791320