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Book Cover
Author Hassiotis, Angela

Title Intellectual Disability Psychiatry : a practical handbook
Published Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2009


Description 1 online resource (290 pages)
Contents Intellectual Disability Psychiatry; Contents; List of Contributors; Foreword; 1 Introduction; 2 Effective Communication; 3 Clinical Assessment; 4 Assessing Mental Capacity and Making Best Interest Decisions; 5 Common Mental Disorders (Depression, Anxiety, OCD, PTSD); 6 Psychotic Illness; 7 Mental Health Aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorders; 8 Substance Misuse; 9 Challenging Behaviour; 10 Interaction between Mental and Physical Health; 11 Mental Health of Older People; 12 Management of Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities; 13 Mental Health Crises; 14 Pharmacological Interventions
15 Psychological Interventions16 Community Care; Appendix A Critique of the ICD 10 and DSM IV based Classification of Mental Disorders in Intellectual Disability; Appendix B A to Z of Disciplines That May Contribute to the Multi- and Interdisciplinary Work as Applied to Mood and Anxiety Disorders; Index
Summary Intellectual Disability Psychiatry is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the management of mental health problems in people with intellectual disabilities. A clear and user-friendly handbook, it will help busy healthcare professionals develop their understanding of the mental health problems of service users with intellectual disabilities. Most importantly, it will help them make an accurate diagnostic assessment and develop and implement an holistic, person-centred, evidence-based management plan. Topics covered include the classification of mental disorders in intellectual disability
Notes Print version record
Subject People with mental disabilities -- Mental health.
People with mental disabilities -- Mental health services
PSYCHOLOGY -- Mental Illness.
People with mental disabilities -- Mental health.
People with mental disabilities -- Mental health services.
Form Electronic book
Author Barron, Diana Andrea
Hall, Ian
ISBN 9780470682951