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Description World Scientific eBooks covers Asian studies, Business & management, Computer science, Economics & finance, Environmental science, Healthcare, Life sciences/Biology, Materials science, Medicine, Nanotechnology & Nanoscience and the Social sciences.
Subject area Multi-disciplinary


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
World Scientific A.G. Stromberg : first class scientist, second class citizen : letters from the GULAG and a history of electroanalysis in the USSR / Richard G. Compton [and others]
World Scientific ABC of physics : a very brief guide / Lev Okun
World Scientific The ABC transporters of human physiology and disease : genetics and biochemistry of ATP binding cassette transporters / edited by Kenneth J. Linton, I. Barry Holland
World Scientific Abu Dhabi's Vision 2030 : an ongoing journey of economic development / Linda Low
World Scientific Accelerator applications in industry and the environment / editors, Alexander W. Chao, Weiren Chou
World Scientific Accountability and responsibility in health care : issues in addressing an emerging global challenge / edited by Bruce Rosen, Avi Israeli, Stephen Shortell
World Scientific Actuarial science : theory and methodology / editor, Hanji Shang
World Scientific Adaptation and evolution in collective systems / Akira Namatame
World Scientific Adaptive and functional polymers, textiles and their applications / Jinlian Hu
World Scientific Adaptive control approach for software quality improvement / editors, W. Eric Wong, Bojan Cukic
World Scientific Adaptive high-order methods in computational fluid dynamics / editor, Z J Wang
World Scientific Adaptive mobile robotics : proceedings of the 15th international conference on climbing and walking robots and the support technologies for mobile machines, Baltimore, USA, 23-26 July, 2012 / editors, A.K.M. Azad [and others]
World Scientific Adolescent medicine today : a guide to caring for the adolescent patient / editors, Elise D. Berlan, Terrill Bravender
World Scientific Advanced artificial intelligence / Zhongzhi Shi
World Scientific Advanced courses of mathematical analysis IV : proceedings of the fourth International School in memory of Professor Antonio Aizpuru Tomás, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, 8-12 September 2009 / editors, F. Javier Pérez-Fernández, Fernando Rambla-Barreno
World Scientific Advanced Engineering Analysis : the Calculus of Variations and Functional Analysis with Applications in Mechanics
World Scientific Advanced High Strength Steel and Press Hardening : proceedings on the 3rd international conference on advanced high strength steel and press hardening (ICHSU 2016) / editors Yisheng Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, Mingtu Ma, China Automotive Engineering Research Institute, China
World Scientific Advances in atomic physics : an overview / Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, David Guéry-Odelinches
World Scientific Advances In Doctoral Research In Management : Volume 1
World Scientific Advances in genomic sequence analysis and pattern discovery / editors, Laura Elnitski, Helen Piontkivska, Lonnie R. Welch