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Description BC Open Textbook Project provides access to a range of open access education resources.
Subject area Multi-disciplinary
Other name BCcampus OpenEd


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
BCcampus OpenEd A first course in linear algebra / author: K. .Kuttler, I. Farrah
BCcampus OpenEd Accountability and repairing relationships : training and facilitation guide : training for preventing and responding to sexual violence in B.C. post-secondary institutions / Sexual Violence Training Development Team ; contributors, Meaghan Hagerty, Amber Huva, and Sexual Violence Training and Resources Working Group
BCcampus OpenEd Active bystander intervention : training and facilitation guide : training for preventing and responding to sexual violence in B.C. post-secondary institutions / Sexual Violence Training Development Team ; contributors, Simon Fraser University and Sexual Violence Training and Resources Working Group
BCcampus OpenEd Active calculus / Matthew Boelkins ; contributing authors, David Austin, Steven Schlicker
BCcampus OpenEd Active calculus : multivariable / Steve Schlicker, lead author and editor ; David Austin, contributing author, Matt Boelkins, contributing author
BCcampus OpenEd Adult literacy fundamentals mathematics. Book 2 / prepared by Wendy Tagami, Liz Girard
BCcampus OpenEd Adult literacy fundamentals mathematics. Book 3 / prepared by Wendy Tagami, Liz Girard
BCcampus OpenEd Adult literacy fundamentals mathematics. Book 4 / prepared by Liz Girard, Wendy Tagami
BCcampus OpenEd Adult literacy fundamentals mathematics. Book 5 / prepared by Liz Girard, Wendy Tagami
BCcampus OpenEd Adult literacy fundamentals mathematics. Book 6 / prepared by Liz Girard, Wendy Tagami
BCcampus OpenEd Advanced English / Allison Kilgannon
BCcampus OpenEd Advanced level mathematics : data analysis / prepared by Paul Grinder, with Pat Corbett-Labatt, Bob Darling, Peter Robbins, Ada Sarsiat, for the Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology, and the Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology
BCcampus OpenEd Advanced level mathematics : financial mathematics / prepared by Paul Grinder, Velma McKay, Kim Moshenko, Ada Sarsiat, for the Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology, and the Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology
Algebra and trigonometry 2e / Jay Abramson
BCcampus OpenEd Algorithms and data structures : with applications to graphics and geometry / Jurg Nievergelt, Klaus Hinrichs
BCcampus OpenEd American Government Glen Krutz
BCcampus OpenEd Analytical chemistry 2.0 / David Harvey
BCcampus OpenEd Analyzing meaning : an introduction to semantics and pragmatics / Paul R. Kroeger
BCcampus OpenEd Anatomy and Physiology 2e J. Gordon Betts
BCcampus OpenEd AntologĂ­a abierta de literatura hispana / editada por Dra. Julie Ann Ward, editora general, y Alice Barrett y Karlee Bradberry, editoras adjuntas