Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Introduction: What Is Funny? -- 1. Waititi's Early Life and Work in Aotearoa/New Zealand -- 2. Aotearoa/New Zealand, National Identity, and Film -- 3. Kiwi Comedy: Nobody Takes Us Seriously Anyway -- 4. On/Off-Color? Ethnicity and Comedy -- 5. Quirks and Nerds: Eagle vs Shark -- 6. Boy as Comedian Comedy -- 7. What [Men] Do in the Shadows of Globalization -- 8. The Impossible Song of the Huia: Camp, Comedy, and Music in Hunt for the Wilderpeople -- 9. Thor: Ragnarok and Postcolonial Carnival
10. Is Jojo Rabbit an Anti-Hate Satire? -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Index
Innovative study of Taika Waititi, whose Maori and Jewish roots influence his distinctive New Zealand comedic style