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Title Security and bilateral issues between Iran and its Arab neighbours / Gawdat Bahgat, Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Neil Quilliam, editors
Published Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016


Description 1 online resource (xiii, 245 pages)
Contents Acknowledgement; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Chapter 1: Security and€Bilateral Issues Between Iran and€Its Arab Neighbours; Notes; Chapter 2: Iran's Policy Toward the€Persian Gulf: Dynamics of€Continuity and€Change; Gulf Arab Reaction to€the€Iranian Revolution; The Ideological Basis of€the€Islamic Republic's Foreign Policy; Impact of€the€New Ideology on€Iran's External Relations; Continuity Despite Drastic Shit; Basic Determinants of€Iran's Persian Gulf Policy; Security; Economic Interests; National Identity; Quest for€Legitimacy; The Impact of€International Political System
Iran-Gulf Relations During the€MonarchyIran-Gulf Relations in€the€1980s; Iran-Gulf Relations in€the€Post-Soviet Era; The Systemic Impact of€the€Soviet Collapse; Khatami Presidency and€Brief Iran-Gulf Honeymoon; The Bush Administration, 9/11 and€the€Ahmadinejad Phenomenon; Rouhani Presidency and€Iran-Gulf Relations; Iran Nuclear Deal and€Worsening Iran-Gulf Relations; Conclusions and€Outlook; Notes; Chapter 3: The Gulf in€a€Wider Context: Outside Nation-States in€the€Intensifying Iranian-ƯArab Security Competition; American Drift from€Realpolitik to€Democracy Promotion
European States Sinking in€the€GulfRussia Rejuvenating in€the€Gulf; China Sailing into the€Gulf; Israel "Siding" with€Gulf Arab States; Washington's Need to€Guard the€Gulf Balance of€Power; Notes; Chapter 4: Iran's Relations with€Bahrain; Relations During Iran-Iraq War (September 1980-20 August 1988); Relations During the€Rafsanjani Presidency (August 1989-August 1997); Relations During Khatami Presidency (Aug 1997-Aug 2005); Relations During the€Ahmadinejad Presidency (Aug 2005-Aug 2013); Perspectives on€the€Rouhani Presidency; Notes; References; Chapter 5: Iran and€Iraq; Between Neighbors
Disputed Territories and€WaterwaysUnhappy Ethnic, Religious and€Political Groups; Religious Issues and€the€Status of€Foreign Nationals; Oil; Before the€Revolution: Post-monarchal Iraq, A€Shah Rising; Revolution and€War; Iran: Foreign Policy for€a€Revolution; Saddam Hussein's Rise to€Power; After the€Revolution but Before the€War; The Decision to€Go€to€War; The War; Rafsanjani (1989-1997) and€Foreign Relations with€Iraq; Rafsanjani and€the€New Normal; Rafsanjani and€Iraq; After Iraq's Defeat in€Kuwait; Khatami and€(1997-2005) and€Foreign Relations with€Iraq
Iran's Relations with€Iraq Before 2003The 2003 US Invasion: Fears, Interests and€Response; Ahmadinejad (2005-2013) and€Foreign Relations with€Iraq; Ahmadinejad and€Making of€Foreign PolicyMaking; Iran-Iraq Relations: Success Followed by Difficulty; Policy Disagreements; Iran and€Iraq: The€Odd Parallelism of€the€Ahmadinejad Years; Rouhani (2013 Present) and€Foreign Relations with€Iraq; Rouhani and€Iraq Policy; Iran-Iraq Relations; Daesh and€Iran-Iraq Relations; The Clouded Chrystal Ball: The€Future of€Iran-ƯIraq Relations; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 6: Iran and€Kuwait; Local Contexts; Iran
Summary This book provides a detailed analysis of the complicated relations between Iran and its Arab neighbours. Arab perceptions of Iran, its regional policies and role in the Arab region, have never been more complicated than today. How is one to make sense of the increasingly complex and at times tense relationship between Iran and its Arab neighbours? Given the strategic significance of this sub-region and the importance of relations between its states to international security, this edited volume systematically accounts for each Arab neighbour's perception, policies and approach towards the Islamic republic, for the first time providing a clear and detailed comparative analysis of these relationships. This book, bringing together a group of leading scholars of the region, not only provides a clear lens for the policy community through which to gauge the causes of change and the reasons for continuity in relations, but also offers an invaluable tool for scholars of the wider region and the growing community of researchers focusing on this sub-region
Notes Kuwait
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Diplomatic relations
Iran -- Foreign relations -- 1997-
Form Electronic book
Author Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, editor
Quilliam, Neil, editor
Bahgat, Gawdat, editor
ISBN 9783319432892