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Access this resource: ScienceDirect Owned eBooks
Description A collection of titles from the following subject areas: Agricultural & biological science, Biochemistry, genetics & molecular biology, Business, management, tourism & hospitality, Engineering, Environmental science, Materials science, Media technology, Medicine & dentistry, Psychology.
Subject area Biological Science
  Wildlife and Conservation Biology
  Information Systems and Business Analytics
  Media, Communication and Creative Arts
Database Help Science Direct tutorials
Other name Science Direct ebooks owned titles
  Elsevier Science Direct individual ebooks


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Active coatings for smart textiles / edited by Jinlian Hu
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Advanced fluoride-based materials for energy conversion / edited by Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Henri Groult
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Advances in composites manufacturing and process design / edited by Philippe Boisse
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Aerosols and Climate
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Aquafeed formulation / Sergio F. Nates, editor
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Assessment and investigative techniques / Sandip Doshi, William Harvey
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Assistive technologies : principles & practice / Albert M. Cook, Janice Miller Polgar, Pedro Encarnação
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Back to basics in physiology : O₂ and CO₂ in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems / Juan Pablo Arroyo ; Adam J. Schweickert
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Basics in human evolution / edited by Michael P. Muehlenbein
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Bicycling for transportation : an evidence-base for communities / Melissa Bopp, Dangaia Sims, Daniel Piatkowski
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Bio-optical modeling and remote sensing of inland waters / edited by Deepak R. Mishra, Igor Ogashawara, Anatoly A. Gitelson
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Biodiversity and health : linking life, ecosystems and societies / Serge Morand, Claire Lajaunie
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean / Bruno David, Thomas Saucède
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Biostatistics for medical and biomedical practitioners : an interpretative guide for medicine and biology / Julien I.E. Hoffman
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Blinding as a solution to bias : strengthening biomedical science, forensic science, and law / [edited by] Christopher T. Robertson and Aaron S. Kesselheim
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Borish's clinical refraction / editor, William J. Benjamin ; consultant, Irvin M. Borish
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Business process change : a business process management guide for managers and process professionals / Paul Harmon
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Calculations for molecular biology and biotechnology : a guide to mathematics in the laboratory / Frank H. Stephenson
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks Challenging behavior / edited by Richard Hastings, Johannes Rojahn
ScienceDirect Owned eBooks The changing role of the human resource profession in the Asia Pacific region / Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Chris Rowley