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Book Cover
Author Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia, approximately 350-428 or 429.

Title Commentary on the twelve prophets / Theodore of Mopsuestia ; translated by Robert C. Hill
Published Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, ©2004


Description 1 online resource (xiii, 435 pages)
Series The fathers of the church ; v. 108
Fathers of the church ; v. 108
Fathers of the church ; v. 108.
Contents Theodore, his life and works -- Text of the commentary; Theodore's biblical text -- Theodore's approach to Scripture in general -- Theodore's style of commentary -- Theodore as interpreter of the prophets -- Christological and trinitarian theology of the commentary -- Morality and spirituality of the commentary -- Theodore's achievement in the commentary -- Commentary on the Prophet Hosea -- Commentary on the Prophet Joel -- Commentary on the Prophet Amos -- Commentary on the Prophet Obadiah -- Commentary on the Prophet Jonah -- Commentary on the Prophet Micah -- Commentary on the Prophet Nahum -- Commentary on the Prophet Habakkuk -- Commentary on the Prophet Zephaniah -- Commentary on the Prophet Haggai -- Commentary on the Prophet Zechariah -- Commentary on the Prophet Malachi
Summary "More than one modern scholar has been prepared to class Theodore as "the foremost exponent of Antiochene exegesis." Yet not long after his death in 428 - coincidentally, but significantly, the year Nestorius acceded to the see of Constantinople - Theodore became the object of intemperate criticism by the likes of Cyril of Alexandria for his Christological views. His works were condemned by the fifth ecumenical council of 553, and only the commentary on the Twelve Prophets, here appearing in English for the first time, survives entirely in Greek." "It would not have been this work that earned Theodore an unsavory reputation. Though he is typically Antiochene in focusing on the historical background of each of the Twelve prophets, and thus avoids the elaborate search after levels of spiritual meaning he would have found in the Alexandrian Didymus, he engages in no Christological debate, simply setting the divine economy as the context of the prophets' ministry. He moves systematically through the Twelve in the order they appear in the Antioch text (itself an object of interest to students of the Septuagint), despite his lack of Hebrew and of familiarity with the genre of apocalyptic."--Jacket
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages xi-xiii) and indexes
Notes Translated from the Ancient Greek
Print version record
SUBJECT Bible. Minor Prophets -- Commentaries
Bible. Hosea -- Commentaries
Bible. Joel -- Commentaries
Bible. Amos -- Commentaries
Bible. Obadiah -- Commentaries
Bible. Jonah -- Commentaries
Bible. Micah -- Commentaries
Bible. Nahum -- Commentaries
Bible. Habakkuk -- Commentaries
Bible. Zephaniah -- Commentaries
Bible. Haggai -- Commentaries
Bible. Zechariah -- Commentaries
Bible. Malachi -- Commentaries
Bible. Zephaniah fast
Bible. Zechariah fast
Bible. Obadiah fast
Bible. Nahum fast
Bible. Micah fast
Bible. Malachi fast
Bible. Jonah fast
Bible. Joel fast
Bible. Hosea fast
Bible. Haggai fast
Bible. Habakkuk fast
Bible. Amos fast
Bible. Minor Prophets fast
Subject RELIGION / General.
RELIGION -- Christian Church -- History.
RELIGION -- Christianity -- History.
RELIGION -- Biblical Studies -- Prophets.
Kleine profeten (bijbelboeken)
Philosophy & Religion.
Filosofia medieval.
Filosofia patrística.
Filosofia cristã.
Genre/Form Commentaries
Form Electronic book
Author Hill, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1931-2007.
LC no. 2003012928
ISBN 9780813212081
Other Titles Commentary on the twelve minor prophets. English