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Book Cover
Author Dhouib, Ammar

Title Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects, Volume 1 Soil and Experimental Data
Published Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2023


Description 1 online resource (391 p.)
Contents Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- Entrepreneur's Tribune: Geotechnics is at the Heart of Our Projects -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Symbols and Notations -- Introduction -- Chapter 1. Soil: Definition, Identification and Classification -- 1.1. Definition of a soil -- 1.1.1. Characteristic sizes -- 1.2. Soil types -- 1.2.1. Granular soils -- 1.2.2. Fine soils -- 1.3. Laboratory identification tests -- 1.3.1. Parameters and standards -- 1.3.2. Definition of parameters -- 1.4. Examples of soil identification and applications -- 1.4.1. Particle size analysis
1.4.2. Characterization of soil plasticity -- 1.4.3. Organic material content research -- 1.4.4. Liquefaction risk analysis -- 1.4.5. Characterization of clay soils with respect to swelling and shrinkage -- 1.4.6. Soil treatment for platforms and technical backfills -- 1.5. Soil classification -- 1.6. Illustrative samples -- 1.7. Roads and carriageways fact sheet -- 1.8. Railway platforms fact sheet -- 1.9. Appendix 1.1: Classification of soft soil and rock -- 1.10. References -- Chapter 2. Stresses, Deformations and Behavioral Laws of Soils -- 2.1. Basic concepts of mechanics of continuous media
2.1.1. Concept of stress -- 2.1.2. Concept of deformation -- 2.1.3. Generalization of the state of stresses -- 2.1.4. Generalization of the deformation state -- 2.1.5. Deformation-displacement relations -- 2.1.6. Deformation rate -- 2.1.7. Acceleration -- 2.2. Behavioral laws -- 2.2.1. Elastic behavior model -- 2.2.2. Elasto-plastic behavioral models -- 2.2.3. Viscoelastic behavior models -- 2.2.4. Dynamic behavior of soils -- 2.3. Soil creep phenomenon -- 2.3.1. Creep mechanism -- 2.3.2. Creep stresses and deformations -- 2.4. Mechanics of continuous media applied to soils
2.4.1. Terzaghi's fundamental relation -- 2.4.2. Concepts of short term and long term -- 2.4.3. Equilibrium equations -- 2.4.4. Experimental determination of elastic parameters of soil -- 2.4.5. Order of magnitude of soil parameters -- 2.5. Practical applications to construction projects -- 2.5.1. Calculation of vertical stresses in a homogeneous soil -- 2.5.2. Steps to solving finite element calculations: simple cases -- 2.5.3. Project 1: Modeling and calculation of settlement of a road embankment -- 2.5.4. Project 2: Study of the displacements of a retaining slurry trench wall
2.5.5. Project 3: Modeling of rafts on vertical stiff inclusions -- 2.5.6. Some lessons to be learned from deformation calculations -- 2.6. References -- Chapter 3. Determination of the In-situ Geotechnical Parameters of Soils -- 3.1. Introduction -- 3.1.1. The purpose of testing in geotechnical projects -- 3.1.2. On-site and laboratory tests: which to choose? -- 3.2. General methodology of geotechnical studies -- 3.2.1. Phases and types of standard geotechnical studies -- 3.2.2. Standard geotechnical missions -- 3.2.3. Blueprint of a geotechnical study -- 3.3. Inventory of field tests in France
Notes Description based upon print version of record
3.3.1. Soil identification and classification tests
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781394192205