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Book Cover

Title Specification for the construction of slurry trench cut-off walls as barriers to pollution migration / the Insitution of Civil Engineers, Construction Industry Research and Information Association, Building Research Establishment
Published London : Thomas Telford, 1999


Description 1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings))
Summary This specification, and appended notes, has been compiled to be used where slurry trench cut-off walls are required to act as barriers to pollution migration. It provides a standard approach to the design, construction, testing and monitoring of cut-off walls, guidance on the appropriateness of this technique and current best practice
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references
Subject Slurry trench construction.
Concrete walls -- Design and construction.
Hazardous substances -- Environmental aspects
Concrete walls -- Design and construction
Hazardous substances -- Environmental aspects
Slurry trench construction
Form Electronic book
Author Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain)
Construction Industry Research and Information Association.
Building Research Establishment.
ISBN 9780727738592