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Book Cover
Author Barnett, S. A. (Samuel Anthony), 1915-

Title The story of rats : their impact on us, and our impact on them / S. Anthony Barnett
Published Crows Nest, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin, 2001


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 W'BOOL  599.352 Bar/Sor  AVAILABLE
Description xiii, 202 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm
regular print
Contents 1. Tales of rats -- 2. Naming and taming -- 3. All fall down -- 4. A battle of wits -- 5. Do rats think -- 6. Are rats gluttons -- 7. All in their genes -- 8. Rat societies -- 9. Population explosions -- 10. Social life and death -- 11. Nature and human nature
Summary Rats are intelligent and sociable animals that have lived with human throughout history and which have many similarities with us. Why is it then that the mere mention of the word "rat" sends shudders of horror through us? This is the story of how rats and humans have lived together and interacted throughout the ages
Notes Includes index
Bibliography Bibliography pages 188-195
Subject Human-animal relationships.
Rats as laboratory animals.
Rats -- Behavior.
Rats as carriers of disease.
Rats -- Behaviour
Rats -- Psychology.
ISBN 1865085197
Other Titles Rats