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Title The Oxford encyclopedia of American business, labor, and economic history / edited by Melvyn Dubofsky
Published New York : Oxford University Press, 2013


Description 1 online resource (2 volumes)
Contents Abraham Lincoln Brigade -- Accumulation, social structures of -- Adamson Act -- Adkins v. Children's Hospital -- Advertising -- African American labor organizations -- Agricultural Adjustment Administration -- Agricultural extension and education -- Agricultural workers -- Agriculture: Colonial Era, 1770-1890, The Golden Age (1890-1920), Since 1920 -- Airplanes and air transport -- Air Traffic Controllers' Strike (1981) -- Alien Contract Labor Law -- Alliance for Labor Action -- Altgeld, John P. -- Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers -- American Anti-Boycott Association -- American Bankers Association -- American Economic Association and the new economics -- American Federation of Labor -- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations -- American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees -- American Federation of Teachers -- American Newspaper Guild -- American System of Manufacturing and Interchangeable Parts -- Anarchism and labor -- Antilabor mobilization after 1945 -- Antitrust legislation -- Antiunion law firms -- Apprenticed labor -- Apprenticeship systems -- Arnold, Thurman -- Arrow, Kenneth -- Artisanal labor -- Astor, John Jacob -- Automotive industry -- Aviation industry -- Bank of America -- Bank of the United States, First and Second -- Barbed wire -- Battle of the Overpass (1937) -- Behavioral economics -- Berle, Adolf, and Gardiner Means and the modern corporation -- Biemiller, Andrew -- Biotechnology industry -- Bisbee Strike and deportation -- Braceros -- Brannan Plan -- Bretton Woods Conference -- Brewing and distilling -- Bridges, Harry -- Brookwood Labor College -- Brophy, John -- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters -- Brown Brothers Harriman & Company -- Bureau of Labor Statistics -- Business cycles -- Business growth and decline -- Business roundtable -- Campbell Soup -- Canals and waterways -- Capitalism -- Capitalism and immigration -- Carnegie, Andrew -- Cattlemen's associations -- Chambers of commerce -- Change to Win -- Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge -- Chase Manhattan Bank -- Chavez, Cesar -- Chemical industry -- Child labor -- Citizens' committees and alliances -- Civilian Conservation Corps -- Clark, John Bates -- Clark, John Maurice -- Class consciousness -- Clayton Antitrust Act -- Clerical workers -- Closed shop -- Collective bargaining -- Colorado labor wars (1903-1905) -- Commission on Industrial Relations -- Commodity futures markets -- Communications revolution -- Communications Workers of America -- Company unions -- Computer monitoring of office workers -- Congress of Industrial Organizations -- Consumer credit and credit cards -- Consumer culture -- Consumer movements -- Contract, sanctity of -- Cooperatives -- Cooperatives and worker management -- Corn, hybrid -- Corporate agriculture -- Corporatism -- Cotton industry -- Cotton trade, antebellum era -- Cowboys -- Coxey's Army -- Crédit Mobilier -- Dairy industry and dairy products -- Danbury Hatters' case -- Davis-Bacon Act -- Debs, Eugene -- Department stores -- Depressions, economic -- Deregulation, financial -- Deskilling -- Dockworkers' unions, multiracial -- Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement -- Domestic labor -- Duke, James -- Dust Bowl era and farm crisis -- Economic deregulation and the Carter administration -- Economic development -- Economic growth and income patterns -- Economic regulation -- Economic theories and thought -- Education and human capital -- Eight-hour day -- Electricity and electrification -- Employee Free Choice Act -- Employee representation plans -- Employment Act of 1946 -- Employment-at-will -- Energy crises, late twentieth century -- Environmental regulations -- Equal Pay Act -- Erdman Act -- Executive Order 10988 -- Factory and hours laws -- Factory farming -- Factory system -- Fair Deal -- Fair Employment Practices Committee -- Fair Housing Act -- Fair Labor Standards Act -- Family farm -- Farm Bureau Federation -- Farm machinery -- Federal Communications Commission -- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -- Federal Housing Administration -- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service -- Federal regulatory agencies -- Federal Reserve Act -- Federal Reserve System -- Federal Trade Commission -- Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions -- Film and labor -- Financial and banking promotion and regulation -- Financial Crises, 1980s-2010 -- Firestone, Harvey -- Fisheries -- Five-Dollar Day -- Fletcher, Ben -- Flint General Motors Strike -- Flynn, E.G. -- Food and diet -- Ford, Henry, and Fordism -- Foreign trade -- Forests and forestry -- Foster, William Z. -- Freed laborers -- Freedom of contract -- Free-labor ideology -- Free silver and bimetallism -- Friedman, Milton, and the Chicago School of Economics -- Fur trade -- Galbraith, John Kenneth -- Gallatin, Albert, and economic development -- Garment industry -- Gastonia Strike (1929) -- Gates, Bill -- GATT and WTO -- Gender and work -- General Electric -- General Motors Strike (1945) -- George, Henry -- Gibbons v. Ogden -- GI Bill -- Glass-Steagall, repeal of -- Globalization -- Godcharles v. Wigeman -- Goldman, Emma -- Goldman Sachs -- Gold rushes -- Gold standard -- Gompers, Samuel -- Grain processing -- Grains -- Granger movement and laws -- Great Depression (1929-1939) -- Great Recession of 2008 and after -- Great society -- Great Upheaval of 1886 -- Green, William -- Greenbackism -- Greenback Labor Party -- Group of Eight (Twenty) -- Hamilton, Alexander, and economic development -- Hanna, Mark -- Harriman, E.H. -- Haymarket affair -- Haywood, William D. -- Hepburn Act -- Herrin Massacre (1922) -- Highways and interstates -- Hill, James J. -- Hill, Joe -- Hillman, Sidney -- Hoffa, James R. -- Home Owners' Loan Corporation -- Homestead Act -- Homestead Strike (1892) -- Homework -- Hormel P-9 Strike -- Household technology and domestic labor -- Hull House -- Huntington, Collis P. -- Hutcheson, William -- Hydroelectric power -- Immigration -- Immigration-restriction laws -- Indentured labor -- Industrial democracy -- Industrial design -- Industrialization and deindustrialization -- Industrial policy, theory and practice of -- Industrial relations -- Industrial research laboratories -- Industrial Workers of the World -- Inflation and deflation -- Institutional and historical economics -- Insull, Samuel -- Insurance -- Internal labor markets -- International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees -- International Association of Machinists -- International Brotherhood of Teamsters -- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions -- International Labor Defense -- International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America -- International Monetary Fund -- International unionism and international solidarity -- Internet commerce -- Iron and steel industry
Jewish American Labor Movement -- Jewish Labor Committee -- Joint-stock companies -- Jones, Mary "Mother" -- Jungle, The -- Keating-Owen Act -- Kelley, Florence -- Keynesian economics -- Knights of Labor -- Kuhn Loeb & Co. -- Labor and anti-communism -- Labor conspiracy law -- Labor journalism -- Labor leaders -- Labor markets -- Labor movement, decline of the -- Labor movements -- Labor organizations, pre-Civil War -- Labor productivity growth -- Labor spies and Pinkertons -- Labor's role in politics -- La Follette's Seamen's Act -- Laissez-faire and classical economics -- Landrum-Griffin Act -- Lasch, Christopher -- Lawrence "Bread and Roses" Strike (1912) -- Lehman Brothers -- Lewis, John L. -- Little, Frank -- Little Red Songbook -- Little Steel Strike (1937) -- Livestock industry -- Living-wage campaigns -- Lochner v. New York -- London Economic Conference (1933) -- Longshoremen and longshoremen's unions -- Long swings and cycles in economic growth -- Lowell system -- Ludlow Massacre -- Lumbering -- Madar, Olga -- Mail-order houses -- Maritime transport -- Marketing cooperatives -- Marxian economics -- Mass marketing -- Mass production -- Master and Servant Law -- Mayo, Elton, and work culture -- Mazzocchi, Anthony "Tony" -- McCormick, Cyrus -- McDonald's -- McGuire, P.J. -- McNary-Haugen Bill -- Meany, George -- Meatpacking and meat-processing industry -- Mellon Banks -- Memphis Sanitation Strike (1968) -- Mercantilism -- Merger movement -- Mesabi Range and Michigan Hard-Rock Miners' Strikes (1907-1916) -- Migratory labor and migrant workers -- Military-industrial complex -- Mining industry -- Minneapolis Teamsters and General Strike (1934) -- Molly Maguires -- Monetarism -- Monetary policy, federal -- Morgan, J.P. -- Muller v. Oregon -- Murray, Philip -- Muste, A.J. -- Mutual funds and retirement accounts -- NAFTA -- National Association of Manufacturers -- National banking system -- National Bureau of Economic Research -- National City Bank (Citibank) -- National Education Association -- National Farmers Union -- National Industrial Conference Board -- National Industrial Recovery Act and National Recovery Administration -- National Labor Relations Board -- National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. -- National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act -- National Labor Union -- National War Labor Board, World War I -- National War Labor Board, World War II -- Native Americans, economic aspects of U.S. relations with -- Navigation Acts -- Neoclassical economics -- Neoliberalism -- Neoliberalism as public economic policy -- Nestor, Agnes -- New Deal and institutional economics -- New Deal banking regulation -- New Deal corporate regulation -- New Frontier -- New Left economics -- New York Stock Exchange -- New York Teachers' Strike (1968) -- 9to5 and women office workers -- Nixon's economic policies -- Norris-LaGuardia Act -- Northern Securities Case -- No-strike pledge, World War I and World War II -- Nuclear power -- Nursing -- Nussbaum, Karen -- Occupational diseases and hazards -- Occupational Safety and Health Administration -- Office technology -- Okun, Arthur, and inequality -- Open-shop movement -- O'Sullivan, Mary Kenney -- Parsons, Albert -- Paterson strike and pageant -- Pensions, Civil War -- Perkins, Frances -- Petroleum industry -- Pharmaceutical industry -- Phillips curve -- Plastics and synthetics -- Poor people's movement -- Postal services -- Poverty -- Powderly, Terence V. -- President's Mediation Commission (1917) -- Printing and publishing -- Productivity -- Profits, change in rates of -- Progressive Miners of America -- Proletarianization -- Public land policy -- Public Utility Holding Company Act -- Public Works Administration -- Pullman Strike -- Pure Food and Drug Act -- Quill, Michael -- Racism -- Radicalism and workers -- Radio -- Railroad brotherhoods -- Railroad Labor Board -- Railroad land grants -- Railroads -- Railroad Strike (1877) -- Railway Labor Act -- Randolph, A. Philip -- Rational choice theory -- Renewable energy and climate change -- Report on manufactures -- Repression of unions -- Reserve Army of Labor -- Resistance to management -- Reuther, Walter -- Right-to-work committees and organizations, national -- Right-to-work committees and organizations, state laws related to -- Rockefeller, John D. -- Rockefeller Plan, The -- Rohatyn, Felix -- Rule of reason -- Rust Belt and deindustrialization
Sacco and Vanzetti case -- St. John, Vincent -- Salt of the earth -- Samuelson, Paul -- Sandlot Riots and anti-Chinese movement -- San Francisco General Strike (1934) -- Satellite communications -- Savings and loan debacle -- Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States -- Schneiderman, Rose -- Scientific management -- Scottsboro case -- Secretaries of Department of Labor -- Section 7(a) -- Securities and Exchange Commission -- Sedition and Espionage Acts -- Segmented labor markets, primary and secondary -- Service Employees International Union -- Shadow banking system -- Shanker, Albert -- Sharecropping and tenancy -- Shipbuilding -- Shoe industry -- Shopping centers and malls -- Simple commodity production -- Single-tax movement -- Slaughterhouse cases -- Slavery: Expansion of slavery, As a labor system, The slave trade -- Slavery and capitalism -- Sloan, Alfred P. -- Socialism and American exceptionalism -- Social Security Act -- Southern Tenant Farmers' Union -- Stagflation -- State regulatory laws -- Steam power -- Steel Strike of 1919 -- Stern, Andy -- Stock and commodity exchanges -- Stock Market Crash of 1929 -- Stretch-out, worker resistance to -- Strikes: An overview, Decline of strikes -- Subsidies, agricultural -- Sugarcane and sugar beets -- Sumner, William G. -- Supply-side economics -- Sutton, Crystal Lee -- Sweeney, John -- Swift, Gustavus -- Taft-Hartley Act -- Tariffs -- Taxation -- Taxes, federal income -- Taylor Society -- Teamsters for a Democratic Union -- Teapot Dome oil scandal -- Technocracy -- Technology -- Technology and labor -- Telegraph -- Telephone -- Television -- Temporary National Economic Committee -- Tennessee Valley Authority -- Textile industry -- Textile Strike (1934) -- Textile Workers Union of America -- Theatrical unions -- Title VII -- Tobacco industry -- Tobacco trade -- Tobin, Dan -- Toledo Auto-Lite strike -- Trade policy, federal -- Trade Union Educational League and Trade Union Unity League -- Transportation revolution -- Transport Workers Union -- Trautmann, William E. -- Treaty of Detroit and Postwar Labor Accord -- Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire -- Triangular trade -- Trilateral Commission -- Truax v. Corrigan -- Trumka, Richard -- Turnpikes and early roads -- Undocumented workers -- Unemployment -- Union corruption -- Unionization rates -- Union reform movements -- Union shop -- United Auto Workers -- United Brewery Workers -- United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners -- United Electrical Workers -- United Farm Workers of America -- United Mine Workers -- United States v. E.C. Knight Co. -- United Steelworkers -- Uprising of 20,000 -- Utopian and communitarian movements -- Vagrancy and workers -- Vanderbilt, Cornelius -- Veblen, Thorstein -- Vertical integration, economics of scale, and firm size -- Volcker, Paul -- Voluntarism -- Wages, real and nominal -- Wal-Mart -- Walton, Sam -- Wanamaker, John, and Wanamaker's -- Ward, Lester F. -- War Industries Board -- Wartime economic regulation -- Water and irrigation -- Watson, Thomas, Sr. -- Webster, Milton -- Welfare capitalism -- Welfare reform -- West Coast Hotel v. Parrish -- Western Federation of Miners -- Westinghouse, George -- Whitney, Eli -- Wisconsin School of Economics -- Women's Trade Union League -- Women workers -- Work -- Worker colleges and education -- Workers Defense League -- Workers' self-management -- Worker training -- Works Progress Administration -- World Bank -- World Federation of Trade Unions -- Wurf, Jerry -- Yazoo land fraud -- Yeoman myth -- Yeshiva University, the NLRB, and collective bargaining
Summary As the global economic crisis that developed in the year 2008 makes clear, it is essential for educated individuals to understand the history that underlies contemporary economic developments. This Encyclopedia offers students and scholars access to information about the concepts, institutions/organizations, events, and individuals that have shaped the history of economics, business, and labor from the origins of what became the United States in an earlier age of globalization and the expansion of capitalism to the present. It includes entries that explore the changing character of capitalism from the seventeenth century to the present; the evolution of business practices and organizations; describe changes in the labor force as legally free workers replaced a labor force dominated by slaves and indentures; treat the means by which workers sought to better their lives; and that deal with government policies and practices that affected economic activities, business developments, and the lives of working people." -- viewed August 7, 2020
Notes Print version cataloged as a monographic set by the Library of Congress
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on January 17, 2019)
Subject Industries -- United States -- History -- Encyclopedias
Business -- History -- Encyclopedias
Labor -- United States -- History -- Encyclopedias
Industrial relations -- United States -- History -- Encyclopedias
Economic history
Economic policy
Industrial relations
SUBJECT United States -- Commerce -- History -- Encyclopedias
United States -- Economic policy -- Encyclopedias
United States -- Economic conditions -- Encyclopedias
Subject United States
Genre/Form encyclopedias.
Form Electronic book
Author Dubofsky, Melvyn, 1934-
LC no. 2012039475
ISBN 9780199739189
Other Titles Encyclopedia of American business, labor, and economic history