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Book Cover
Author Yang, Jing, 1979- author.

Title Disability identity and marriage in rural China / Jing Yang
Published Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2018


Description 1 online resource (xvi, 191 pages)
Series Routledge research on social work, social policy and social development in greater China ; 5
Routledge research on social work, social policy and social development in greater China ; 5.
Contents Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; List of tables and figures; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; The unheard voice; Definitions and key terms; The profile of the field; Reasons of selecting the field; Entering the field; The structure of the book; References; 1 Grounded theory method and married women with disabilities in Bai Township; Grounded theory method; Stories of married women with disabilities in Bai Township; References; 2 Disability identity in the village environment; Villagers' perceptions of disability
Disability as a demographic identification; Disability as Zaonie; Women's perceptions of their disability identity; Reasons for disability; Interpretations of disability identity; Managing disability identity; Reasons of managing disability identity; Strategies of managing disability identity; Changing village environment and attitudes towards people with disabilities; The supportive environment and villagers' sympathy in the old days; The changing context and villagers' pragmatic attitudes; Conclusion; References; 3 Disabled matching: the process of mate selection
Motivations for marriage; Identity transition; Identity discontinuity; Identity crisis; The process of mate selection; Filtering; Weighing; Disabled matching; Conclusion; References; 4 Being daughters-in-law with disabilities; Being subservient as daughters-in-law; Conforming with role expectation; Lacking support from the husbands; Being vulnerable as a new family member; The relationships with parents-in-law; Joint household and mutual tolerance; Independent household and split hearts; Balancing family status with fertility; Successful fertility; Sonless fertility; Inherited fertility
Childlessness; Disability identity as a buffer; Internal support from male family members; External support from villagers; Conclusion; References; 5 Becoming wives with disabilities; The possibility of negotiation; Enhancing family status; Being valued; Influential factors of negotiation; Age superiority; Abilities; Strong personality; The process of negotiation; Making a test; Rearranging domestic affairs; Reconstructing role performance; Social support to women with disabilities against domestic violence; Women's interpretations of domestic violence; Fighting rather than being beaten
Social support to women with disabilities; Conclusion; References; 6 Being mothers with disabilities; Taking the maternal roles; Complete mothering; Assisted mothering; Substitute mothering; Cultivating children; Physical nurturance; Moral education; Nurturing children with disabilities; Children of mothers with disabilities; Internalized stereotypes; Making compensations; Internalized responsibility; Conclusion; 7 Towards a conceptualization of compensating for disability identity through marriages for women in rural areas of China
Summary "Based on data collected through in-depth fieldwork observation and interviews in Bai Township, this book examines how women with disabilities in rural Southwest China compensate for their disability identity through marriage. As the first book to theorize the married life of rural-based women with different types of disabilities, it provides a more holistic picture of their marital life by tracing the marriage process from mate selection to wedding ceremony, reproduction and role performance. It also generates a substantive theory grounded in the real experiences of women living with disabilities with Jing Yang arguing that these women are not passive victims in the marital process, but active agents who endeavour to minimize the risk of abuse and maximize security and satisfaction in their marriage. By examining the effects of fertility, patriarchy and village society on women with disability, this book will be of huge interest to students and scholars of many disciplines, including disability studies, sociology, social work, women's studies and Chinese culture and society."--Provided by publisher
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject People with disabilities -- Marriage -- China
Women with disabilities -- China
Married women -- China
Marriage -- China
Women -- Identity.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Discrimination & Race Relations.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Minority Studies.
Married women
People with disabilities -- Marriage
Women -- Identity
Women with disabilities
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781315101576