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Book Cover
Author Buckingham, Sarah

Title Addiction, Behavioral Change and Social Identity : the path to resilience and recovery
Published Florence : Taylor and Francis, 2016


Description 1 online resource (225 pages)
Contents Cover ; Title Page ; Copyright Page ; Dedication ; Table of Contents ; Figures and tables ; Contributors ; 1 Introducing addiction, behavioural change and social identity ; 2 Applying the social identity approach in clinical and health domains: key principles and insights
3 Addiction recovery, mutual-help organizations and social identity 4 Using social identity to promote health: the impact of group memberships on health in the context of obesity ; 5 Group identification and addictive health behaviours in adolescents
10 Social identity mapping: measuring social identity change in recovery from addiction 11 Building bridges to positive social identities: the Social Network Diagram and opiate substitution treatment ; 12 Addiction, behavioural change and social identity: overview and concluding comments
Notes 6 Addiction to crime and a social identity of recovery 7 The associative reflective model of social identification (ARMS): with a particular emphasis upon addiction, behavioural change and social identity
8 Developing the social identity model of cessation maintenance: theory, evidence and implications 9 Online support communities in addiction recovery: capturing social interaction and identity change through analyses of online communication
Includes index
Print version record
Form Electronic book
Author Best, David
ISBN 9781317390480