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Author Schück, H. (Henrik), 1855-1947

Title The life of Alfred Nobel / by H. Schuck and R. Sohlman ; [translated from the German of W.H. v.d Muelbe by Brian and Beatrix Lunn.]
Published London : Heinemann, 1929


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 W'PONDS  327.172092 Nobel Sch/Loa  AVAILABLE
Description 353 pages : illustrations
Notes "Authorised by the Nobel institute."
"List of Nobel prizewinners": p. 327-353
"Translated from the German of Dr. W.H. v.d. Muelbe by Brian and Beatrix Lunn."
First published in Sweden in 1926, under title: Alfred Nobel och hans släkt
New York edition (Cosmopolitan book corporation) has title: Nobel, dynamite and peace
Subject Nobel, Alfred Bernhard, 1833-1896.
Nobel Prizes.
Author Sohlman, Ragnar, 1870-1948.
LC no. 30018160
Other Titles Alfred Nobel och hans slakt. English
Nobel, dynamite and peace