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Book Cover
Author Avise, John C

Title Evolutionary Pathways in Nature : a Phylogenetic Approach
Published West Nyack : Cambridge University Press, 2006


Description 1 online resource (300 pages)
Contents COVER; HALF-TITLE; TITLE; COPYRIGHT; CONTENTS; Preface; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; 1 Introduction; The meaning of phylogeny; Phylogenetic metaphors; Molecular appraisals of phylogeny; Comparative phylogenetics; Phylogenetic character mapping; 2 Anatomical structures and morphologies; Whence the toucan's bill?; The beak of the fish; Snails' shell shapes; More on snails' shell shapes; Winged walkingsticks; Hermits and kings; True and false gharials; Loss of limbs on the reptile tree; Fishy origins of tetrapods; Panda ponderings; Fossil DNA and extinct eagles; The Yeti's abominable phylogeny
3 Body colorationsLight and dark mice; Sexual dichromatism; Dabbling into duck plumages; Specific avian color motifs; The poisonous Pitohui; Warning colorations in poison frogs; Müllerian mimicry butterflies; Caterpillar colors and cryptic species; 4 Sexual features and reproductive lifestyles; The chicken or the egg?; The avian nest; Egg dumping and foster parentage; Egg laying and live bearing; Piscine placentas; Male pregnancy; Living and reproducing by the sword; Brood care in Jamaican land crabs; Social parasitism of butterflies on ants; Of monkeyflowers and hummingbirds
Parthenogenetic lizards, geckos, and snakesDelayed implantation; 5 More behaviors and ecologies; The kangaroo's bipedal hop; Powered flight in winged mammals; Magnetotaxis in bacteria; Cetacean origins; Feeding and echolocation in whales; The phylogeny of thrush migration; Pufferfish inflation; Eusociality in shrimp; Evolutionary reversals of salamander lifecycles; Dichotomous life histories of marine larvae; Adaptive radiations in island lizards; Spiders' web-building behaviors; Lichen lifestyles; 6 Cellular, physiological, and genetic traits; Foregut fermentation; Snake venoms
Antifreeze proteins in anti-tropical fishesWarm-bloodedness in fishes; Electrical currents; The Xs and Ys of sex determination; The eyes have it; Two types of body; The phylogenomics of DNA repair; Roving nucleic acids; Host-to-parasite gene transfer; Tracking the AIDS virus; 7 Geographical distributions; Afrotheria theory; Aussie songbirds; Madagascar's chameleons; The evolutionary cradle of humanity; Coral conservation; Sri Lanka, a cryptic biodiversity hotspot; Overseas plant dispersal; Phylogenetic bearings on Polar Bears; Looking over overlooked elephants; Bergmann's rule; Epilog
Appendix: A primer on phylogenetic character mappingHistory of cladistic concepts and terminology; Maximum parsimony; Maximum likelihood; Independent contrasts between pairs of quantitative traits; Glossary; References and Further reading; Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Whence the toucan's bill?; The beak of the fish; Snails' shell shapes; More on snails' shell shapes; Winged walkingsticks; Hermits and kings; True and false gharials; Loss of limbs on the reptile tree; Fishy origins of tetrapods; Panda ponderings; Fossil DNA and extinct eagles; The Yeti's abominable phylogeny; Chapter 3
Summary Reconstructing phylogenetic trees from DNA sequences has become a popular exercise in many branches of biology, and here the well-known geneticist John Avise explains why. Molecular phylogenies provide a genealogical backdrop for interpreting the evolutionary histories of many other types of biological traits (anatomical, behavioral, ecological, physiological, biochemical and even geographical). Guiding readers on a natural history tour along dozens of evolutionary pathways, the author describes how creatures ranging from microbes to elephants came to possess their current phenotypes. Essentia
Notes Light and dark mice
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (p. [253]-278) and index
Notes English
Print version record
Subject Evolution (Biology)
Evolution (Biology)
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9780511219993