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Book Cover
Author International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology (7th : 2013 : Nürtingen, Germany)

Title Fringe 2013 : 7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology / edited by Wolfgang Osten
Published Berlin : Springer, 2013


Description 1 online resource
Contents New methods and tools for the generation, acquisition, processing, and evaluation of data in Optical Imaging and Metrology -- Application-driven technologies in Optical Imaging and Metrology -- High-dynamic range solutions in Optical Imaging and Metrology -- Hybrid technologies in Optical Imaging and Metrology -- New optical sensors, imaging and measurement systems
Summary In continuation of the FRINGE Workshop Series this Proceeding contains all contributions presented at the 7. International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology. The FRINGE Workshop Series is dedicated to the presentation, discussion and dissemination of recent results in Optical Imaging and Metrology. Topics of particular interest for the 7. Workshop are: - New methods and tools for the generation, acquisition, processing, and evaluation of data in Optical Imaging and Metrology (digital wavefront engineering, computational imaging, model-based reconstruction, compressed sensing, inverse problems solution) - Application-driven technologies in Optical Imaging and Metrology (high-resolution, adaptive, active, robust, reliable, flexible, in-line, real-time) - High-dynamic range solutions in Optical Imaging and Metrology (from macro to nano) - Hybrid technologies in Optical Imaging and Metrology (hybrid optics, sensor and data fusion, model-based solutions, multimodality) - New optical sensors, imaging and measurement systems (integrated, miniaturized, in-line, real-time, traceable, remote) Special emphasis is put on new strategies, taking into account the active combination of physical modeling, computer aided simulation and experimental data acquisition. In particular attention is directed towards new approaches for the extension of existing resolution limits that open the gates to wide-scale metrology, ranging from macro to nano, by considering dynamic changes and using advanced optical imaging and sensor systems
Notes Conference proceedings
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject Optical data processing -- Congresses
Metrology -- Congresses
Optical data processing
Optische Datenverarbeitung
Optische Messung
Optischer Sensor
Genre/Form proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Conference papers and proceedings.
Actes de congrès.
Form Electronic book
Author Osten, Wolfgang, editor
ISBN 9783642363597