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Title The detective in American fiction, film, and television / edited by Jerome H. Delamater and Ruth Prigozy
Published Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1998


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 W'BOOL  817.30872 D3362/D  AVAILABLE
Description x, 139 pages ; 25 cm
Series Contributions to the study of popular culture, 0198-9871 ; no. 63
Contributions to the study of popular culture ; no. 63
Contents Contents: I. Raymond Chandler and American Detective Fiction. 1. Anne Riordan: Raymond Chandler's Forgotten Heroine / David W. Madden. 2. Order, Error, and the Novels of Raymond Chandler / Steven Weisenburger. 3. Raymond Chandler's Pencil / James O. Tate. 4. Film in Fiction: The Real and the Reel in Elmore Leonard / George Grella. 5. "Aggravating the Reader": The Harlem Detective Novels of Chester Himes / Gary P. Storhoff. 6. Murdering Traditional Assumptions: The Jewish-American Mystery / Diana Arbin Ben-Merre. 7. Gender (De)Mystified: Resistance and Recuperation in Hard-Boiled Female Detective Fiction / Timothy Shuker-Haines and Martha M. Umphrey -- II. The Detective in Film and Television. 8. Bending the Bow: The Verdict (1946) and the Hollywood Victorian Detective / Meri-Jane Rochelson. 9. "The Injustice of It All": Polanski's Revision of the Private Eye Genre in Chinatown / James Maxfield. 10. Miller's Crossing: The Poetics of Dashiell Hammett / Katherine M. Restaino
11. The "Very Simplicity of the Thing": Edgar Allan Poe and the Murders He Wrote / Jan Whitt. 12. Done to Death?: Formula and Variation in Perry Mason / J. Dennis Bounds
Notes "Prepared under the auspices of Hofstra University."
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject Gardner, Erle Stanley, 1889-1970 -- Criticism and interpretation.
Hammett, Dashiell, 1894-1961 -- Criticism and interpretation.
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Criticism and interpretation.
Detective and mystery films -- United States -- History and criticism.
Detective and mystery stories, American -- History and criticism.
Detective and mystery television programs -- United States -- History and criticism.
Detective and mystery television programs -- United States.
Author Delamater, Jerome.
Prigozy, Ruth.
LC no. 97001690
ISBN 0313304637 (alk. paper)