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Book Cover
Author Christophel, D. C. (David Charles)

Title Leaf and cuticle atlas of Australian leafy lauraceae / by David C. Christophel & Andrew I. Rowett
Published Canberra : Australian Biological Resources Study, [1996]


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 W'PONDS  583.23 Chr/Lac  AVAILABLE
Description 217 pages : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm
Series Flora of Australia supplementary series, 1323-2169 ; no. 6
Flora of Australia supplementary series ; no. 6
Notes Includes index
Bibliography Bibliography: pages 214-215
In Flora of Australia supplementary series no:6
Subject Lauraceae -- Atlases.
Leaves -- Australia -- Atlases.
Plant cuticle -- Atlases.
Author Rowett, A
Australian Biological Resources Study.
ISBN 0642250677