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Title Handbook on cerebral artery dissection / volume editors, R.W. Baumgartner [and others]
Published Basel ; New York : Karger, 2005


Description 1 online resource (vii, 178 pages) : illustrations
Series Frontiers of neurology and neuroscience ; v. 20
Frontiers of neurology and neuroscience ; v. 20.
Contents Animal models of cervical artery dissection / Okamoto, T., Miyachi, S., Yoshida, J. -- Epidemiology of cervical artery dissection / Schievink, W.I., Roiter, V. -- Association of cervical artery dissection with connective tissue abnormalities in skin and arteries / Brandt, T., Morcher, M., Hausser, I. -- Genetic approaches in the study of risk factors for cervical artery dissection / Grond-Ginsbach, C., Debette, S., Pezzini, A. -- Environmental factors and cervical artery dissection / Caso, V., Paciaroni, M., Bogousslavsky, J. -- Traumatic cervical artery dissection / Nedeltchev, K., Baumgartner, R.W. -- Vasodilation in spontaneous cervical artery dissection / Lucas, C., Leys, D. -- Clinical manifestations of carotid dissection / Baumgartner, R.W., Bogousslavsky, J. -- Clinical manifestations of vertebral artery dissection / Arnold, M., Bousser, M.-G. -- Ultrasound assessment of cervical artery dissection / Benninger, D.H., Caso, V., Baumgartner, R.W. -- Magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance and catheter angiography for diagnosis of cervical artery dissection / Paciaroni, M., Caso, V., Agnelli, G. -- Computed tomography angiography for the evaluation of carotid artery dissections / Taschner, C.A. [and others] -- Prognosis of cervical artery dissection / Touz, E. [and others] -- Thrombolysis in cervical artery dissection / Georgiadis, D., Baumgartner, R.W. -- Antithrombotic therapy for cervical artery dissection / Engelter, S., Lyrer, P. -- Intracranial dissections / Chen, M., Caplan, L
Summary Leading international experts summarize up-to-date findings on the presentation, diagnosis, pathogenesis and therapy of cerebral artery dissection. Several topics, such as the first animal model of cervical artery dissection, the epidemiology and its association with connective tissue abnormalities in skin and arteries, genetic approaches in the study of risk factors as well as the main etiologies of spontaneous and traumatic cervical artery dissection are discussed. The book also gives an insight into the clinical manifestations of carotid and vertebral artery dissection and to the possibilit
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Cerebral arteries -- Dissection -- Handbooks, manuals, etc
Vertebral Artery Dissection
Cerebral Arteries -- physiopathology
Cervical Vertebrae -- blood supply
MEDICAL -- Surgery -- General.
Hirnarterie -- Arterielle Dissektion -- Aufsatzsammlung.
Arterielle Dissektion -- Hirnarterie -- Aufsatzsammlung.
Form Electronic book
Genre/Form handbooks.
Handbooks and manuals
Handbooks and manuals.
Guides et manuels.
Author Baumgartner, R. W. (Ralf W.)
ISBN 1423796837