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Title Cardiovascular medicine / James T. Willerson [and others], eds
Edition 3rd ed
Published London : Springer, ©2007


Description 1 online resource (xxxi, 2926 pages) : illustrations (some color)
Contents Includes DVD in pocket attached to inside back cover
Section I. Introduction: Cardiac signs and symptoms, and selected noninvasive diagnostic methods. Anatomy of the heart / L. Maximilian Buja ; The history and physical examination / Thomas C. Smitherman and James T. Willerson ; Electrocardiography / Anton P.M. Gorgels ; Chest x-ray / Mary Ella Round ; Introduction to echocardiography / Raymond F. Stainback ; Nuclear cardiology / Arthur Iain McGhie, K. Lance Gould, and James T. Willerson ; Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging / Warren J. Manning ; Computed tomographic cardiovascular imaging / Matthew J. Budoff -- Section II. Congenital heart disease in the adult. Normal and abnormal anatomy / Robert H. Anderson and Anton E. Becker ; Pathophysiology, clinical recognition, and treatment of congenital heart disease / Steven R. Neish and Jeffrey A. Towbin ; Echocardiography in the adult with congenital heart disease / Julie A. Kovach ; Congenital heart disease in the adult : interventional therapy / Charles E. Mullins ; Surgical treatment / Magdi Habib Yacoub, Anselm Uebing, Rosemary Radley-Smith, and Michael A. Gatzoulis -- Section III. Valvular heart disease. Valvular heart disease: anatomic abnormalities / Hugh A. McAllister, Jr., L. Maximilian Buja, and Victor J. Ferrans ; Aortic valve disease / Blase A. Carabello ; Pulmonary and tricuspid valve disease / Otto M. Hess, Urs Scherrer, Pascal Nicod, and Blase A. Carabello ; Mitral valve diseases / Maurice L. Enriquez-Sarano and Robert L. Frye ; Rheumatic fever / Y.S. Chandrashekhar and Jagat Narula ; Infective endocarditis / Walter R. Wilson and Eddy Barasch (Second Edition), revised for The Third Edition by Layne O. Gentry and Temple W. Williams, Jr. ; The assessment and therapy of valvular heart disease in the cardiac catheterization laboratory / Paul Sorajja and Rick A. Nishimura ; Echocardiographic assessment of valvular heart disease / Raymond F. Stainback ; Magnetic resonance imaging of valvular disease / Scott D. Flamm and Raja Muthupillai ; Balloon dilatation of the cardiac valves / Igor F. Palacios and Pedro L. Sánchez ; Valvular heart disease : surgical treatment / William E. Cohn, O.H. Frazier, and Denton A. Cooley
Section IV. Coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease : pathologic anatomy and pathogenesis / L. Maximilian Buja and Hugh A. McAllister, Jr. ; Inflammation, C-reactive protein, and vulnerable plaques / Paolo Calabró, James T. Willerson, and Edward T.H. Yeh ; Atherosclerotic vulnerable plaques : pathophysiology, detection, and treatment / Mohammad Madjid, Samuel Ward Casscells, and James T. Willerson ; Biomarkers of inflammation as surrogate markers in detection of vulnerable plaques and vulnerable patients / Mohammad Madjid, Samuel Ward Casscells, and James T. Willerson ; Global differences in atherosclerosis / Philip A. Poole-Wilson ; Coronary artery disease : regulation of coronary blood flow / Robert J. Bache ; Coronary heart disease syndromes : pathophysiology and clinical recognition / James T. Willerson, Attilio Maseri, and Paul W. Armstrong ; Silent ischemia / Matthew B. O'Steen and Neal S. Kleiman ; Coronary disease in women / Allen P. Burke, Frank D. Kolodgie, and Renu Virmani ; Exercise testing / Bernard R. Chaitman, Masarrath J. Moinuddin, and Junko Sano ; Coronary angiography / Robert F. Wilson and Carl W. White ; Echocardiographic evaluation of coronary artery disease / Stephanie A. Coulter ; Myocardial perfusion imaging utilizing single photon emission computed tomography techniques / George A. Beller ; Cardiac positron emission tomography / K. Lance Gould ; Magnetic resonance imaging of the myocardium / Raymond J. Kim, Igor Klem, and Robert M. Judd ; Magnetic resonance angiography and evaluation of vulnerable plaque / Javier Sanz, Marc Sirol, Zahi A. Fayad, and Valentin Fuster ; Medical treatment of stable angina / James J. Ferguson III, Dipsu D. Patel, and James T. Willerson ; Medical treatment of unstable angina, acute non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction, and coronary artery spasm / James T. Willerson and Paul W. Armstrong ; Treatment of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction / Paul W. Armstrong and James T. Willerson ; Kawasaki disease / Hirohisa Kato ; Percutaneous coronary intervention and stable angina / David R. Holmes, Jr. ; Percutaneous coronary intervention for unstable coronary artery disease / Pim J. de Feyter and Peter P.T. de Jaegere ; Percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction / David R. Holmes, Jr. ; Drug-eluting coronary stents / Carey D. Moyer, Peter B. Berger, and Christopher J. White ; Surgical treatment of coronary artery disease / William E. Cohn, O.H. Frazier, and Denton A. Cooley ; Coronary artery bypass surgery and percutaneous coronary revascularization : impact on morbidity and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease / James M. Wilson, James J. Ferguson III, and Robert J. Hall ; Cardiac rehabilitation / Michael X. Pham, Jonathan N. Myers, and Victor F. Froelicher
Section V. Basic aspects of myocardial function, growth, and development. Cardiac development: toward a molecular basis for congenital heart disease / Michael D. Schneider and Eric N. Olson ; Fueling the heart : multiple roles for cardiac metabolism / Heinrich Taegtmeyer ; Cardiac hypertrophy / Ali J. Marian and James T. Willerson ; Regulation of cardiac contraction and relaxation / Arnold M. Katz ; Pathophysiology and clinical impact of diastolic heart failure / Gilles W. de Keulenaer and Dirk L. Brutsaert -- Section VI. Myocardial disease. Myocardial disease : anatomic abnormalities / Hugh A. McAllister, Jr., L. Maximilian Buja, and Victor J. Ferrans ; Dilated cardiomyopathy / Biykem Bozkurt and Douglas L. Mann ; Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy / Diane Fatkin, J.G. Seidman, and Christine E. Seidman ; Restrictive cardiomyopathy / James T. Willerson, L. Maximilian Buja, and John Goodwin ; Other cardiomyopathies / James T. Willerson and L. Maximilian Buja ; Myocarditis / Jay W. Mason, Sanjeev Trehan, and Dale G. Renlund ; Evaluation of myocardial disease in the cardiac catheterization laboratory / James J. Ferguson III and Tomas Klima ; Echocardiography in the evaluation of the cardiomyopathies / Stephanie A. Coulter ; Pathophysiology and clinical recognition of heart failure / Jay N. Cohn ; The medical management of heart failure / Jay N. Cohn ; Heart transplantation : indications, outcome, and long-term complications / Leslie W. Miller ; Heart transplantation : pathogenesis, immunosuppression, diagnosis, and treatment of rejection / Leslie W. Miller ; Surgical treatment of advanced heart failure / O.H. Frazier, Igor D. Gregoric, and William E. Cohn -- Section VII. Pericardial disease. Pericardial disease : anatomic abnormalities / Hugh A. McAllister, Jr., L. Maximilian Buja, and Victor J. Ferrans ; Pericardial disease : etiology, pathophysiology, clinical recognition, and treatment / Ralph Shabetai
Section VIII. Vascular disease. Molecular and cellular physiology of differentiated vascular smooth muscle / Michael Sturek, Eric A. Mokelke, Jürgen R. Sindermann, Leonard P. Adam, and Keith L. March ; Cardiovascular regulation : basic considerations / Giuseppe Mancia, Thomas F. Lüscher, John T. Shepherd, George Noll, and Guido M. Grassi ; Vascular remodeling in health and disease / Luis G. Melo, Massimiliano Gnecchi, Christopher A. Ward, and Victor J. Dzau ; Vascular endothelial cell function and thrombosis / H. Roger Lijnen, Jef M. Arnout, and Désiré Collen ; Atherosclerosis : pathologic anatomy and pathogenesis / L. Maximilian Buja and Hugh A. McAllister, Jr. ; Atherosclerosis : pathogenesis, morphology, and risk factors / Antonio M. Gotto, Jr., and John A. Farmer ; Detection of early cardiovascular disease / Daniel A. Duprez and Jay N. Cohn ; Diseases of the aorta / James T. Willerson, Joseph S. Coselli, Scott A. LeMaire, Ross M. Reul, Igor D. Gregoric, George J. Reul, and Denton A. Cooley ; Aneurysms of the peripheral arteries / Paul W. Wennberg and Henna Kalsi ; Peripheral arterial diseases / Alan T. Hirsch, Henna Kalsi, and Thom W. Rooke ; Venous disease / Samuel Z. Goldhaber ; Angiogenesis / Pinak B. Shah and Douglas W. Losordo ; Carotid artery intervention / Christopher J. White ; Endovascular procedures for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease / Kathryn G. Dougherty and Zvonimir Krajcer ; B-mode ultrasound : a noninvasive method for assessing atherosclerosis / John R. Crouse, Curt D. Furberg, Mark A. Espeland, and Ward A. Riley ; Intravascular ultrasound / Seung-Ho Hur, Yasuhiro Honda, Peter J. Fitzgerald, and Paul G. Yock ; Arterial compliance / Gary E. McVeigh, Alan J. Bank, and Jay N. Cohn ; Hypertension / Bernard Waeber, Hans-Rudolph Brunner, Michel Burnier, and Jay N. Cohn ; Shock / Henry S. Loeb and Jay N. Cohn ; Autonomic dysfunction and hypotension / Christopher J. Mathias ; Cerebrovascular disease/transient ischemic attack / Hashem M. Shaltoni and Frank M. Yatsu -- Section IX. Electrical disturbances of the heart. Sinus node dysfunction / David G. Benditt, Scott Sakaguchi, Keith G. Lurie, and Fei Lu ; Supraventricular tachycardias / Hein J.J. Wellens ; Atrial fibrillation and flutter / Peter A. Brady and Bernard J. Gersh ; Preexcitation / Hein J.J. Wellens ; Atrioventricular nodal and subnodal conduction disturbances / Hein J.J. Wellens ; Transesophageal echocardiography for patients with atrial fibrillation / Warren J. Manning ; Broad QRS tachycardias / Hein J.J. Wellens ; Syncope / David G. Benditt and Scott Sakaguchi ; Sudden cardiac death / Abdi Rasekh, Mehdi Razavi, and Ali Massumi ; Antiarrhythmic drugs / Dan M. Roden, Dawood Darbar, and Prince J. Kannankeril ; Cardiac pacemakers / Sanjay Dixit and Francis E. Marchlinski ; The implantable cardioverter- defibrillator / William H. Sauer and David J. Callans ; Catheter ablation of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias / Luz-Maria Rodriguez, Carl Timmermans, and Hein J.J. Wellens ; Surgical treatment of arrhythmias / Spencer J. Melby, James L. Cox, and Ralph J. Damiano, Jr
Section X. Cardiac effects of systemic disorders, pregnancy, aging, and environmental changes. Pulmonary thromboembolism / Herbert L. Fred, Shahzad Hashim, and Fady A. Joudah ; Pulmonary arterial hypertension / Evangelos D. Michelakis and Stephen L. Archer ; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / Rosa Maria Estrada-Y-Martin and Steven D. Brown ; Tumors of the heart / Raymond F. Stainback, Yasmin S. Hamirani, Denton A. Cooley, and L. Maximilian Buja ; Endocrine disorders and the heart / Victor R. Lavis, Michalis K. Picolos, and James T. Willerson ; Connective tissue diseases and the heart / Frank C. Arnett and James T. Willerson ; Substance abuse and the heart / Paul A. Grayburn and Eric J. Eichhorn ; Cardiovascular involvement in acquired immune deficiency syndrome / Melvin D. Cheitlin, Priscilla Hsue, and Merle A. Sande ; Cardiac involvement in skeletal myopathies and neuromuscular disorders / Ali J. Marian and James T. Willerson ; Hematologic disease and heart disease / Martin D. Phillips and James T. Willerson ; Hypercoagulable state / Andrew I. Schafer ; Aging and the cardiovascular system / Samer S. Najjar, Gary Gerstenblith, and Edward G. Lakatta ; Pregnancy and the heart / Susan Wilansky, Christina S. Reuss, and James T. Willerson -- Section XI. Surgery and the heart. Evaluation of patients for noncardiac surgery / James B. Froehlich and Kim A. Eagle ; Anesthesia for cardiovascular operations / N. Martin Giesecke and John R. Cooper, Jr. ; Intraoperative hemodynamic monitoring / Rebecca A. Schroeder, Shahar Bar-Yosef, and Jonathan B. Mark
Section XII. The genetic basis for cardiovascular disease. Classification of genetic disorders / Dianna M. Milewicz ; Inherited disorders of connective tissue / Dianna M. Milewicz ; Muscular dystrophies affecting the heart / C. Thomas Caskey ; Genetic basis for cardiac arrhythmias / Connie R. Bezzina and Arthur A.M. Wilde ; Genetic aspects of congenital heart disease / Dianna M. Milewicz -- Section XIII. Preventive cardiology. Coronary risk factors : an overview / Donald M. Lloyd-Jones and William B. Kannel ; Preventive cardiology : the effects of exercise / Amit Khera, Jere H. Mitchell, and Benjamin D. Levine ; Smoking, secondhand smoke, and cardiovascular disease / Joaquin Barnoya and Stanton A. Glantz ; Management of cholesterol disorders / Scott M. Grundy ; Cardiovascular complications of obesity and the metabolic syndrome / Paul Poirier and Robert H. Eckel ; Gene therapy / Robert D. Simari and Elizabeth G. Nabel ; Molecular biology for the clinician / Sara Arab, Liyong Zhang, Yuichiro Maekawa, Urszula Zurawska, and Peter P. Liu ; Stem cell therapy for cardiac diseases / Emerson C. Perin, Guilherme V. Silva, and James T. Willerson ; Cost-effectiveness issues / William S. Weintraub ; Erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease / Sanjay Kaul and James S. Forrester ; Cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance / Ramzi A. Ajjan and Peter J. Grant ; The heart and the kidney / Martin R. Cowie
Summary "Cardiovascular Medicine, 3rd Edition" offers the most up-to-date, user-friendly guidance on the evaluation, diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of heart and vascular disease and will be relevant to the practice of every cardiologist, cardiac surgeon, vascular surgeon, diabetologist, cardiac radiologist and any physician who manages cardiac patients. The book and DVD package is designed to provide comprehensive coverage of every aspect of cardiovascular medicine from cardiac signs and symptoms and the full range of cardiac imaging techniques through management of peripheral
Analysis geneeskunde
public health
blood vessels
lymfatische systeem
lymphatic system
Medicine (General)
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Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Cardiovascular system -- Diseases.
Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular system -- Diseases
Hart- en vaatziekten.
Form Electronic book
Author Willerson, James T., 1939-2020
LC no. 2006935533
ISBN 9781846287152