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Book Cover
Author Sagovsky, Nicholas, 1947-

Title On God's side : a life of George Tyrrell / Nicholas Sagovsky
Published Oxford [England] : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1990


Description 1 online resource (ix, 276 pages) : portrait
Contents 1. Dublin Lad -- 2. Conversion to Catholicism -- 3. Jesuit Novitiate -- 4. A Hidden Decade -- 5. Early Thought of a Young Priest -- 6. Farm Street Writer -- 7. 'External Religion' and its Dangers -- 8. 'A Perverted Devotion' -- 9. The Move to Richmond 10. 'A l'école de Jack' -- 11. 'A Painful Process of Necessary Readjustment' -- 12. An 'Apostleship of Protest' -- 13. The 'Conservative Left' -- 14. 'Modernism' -- 15. 'So Utter an Ending'
Summary The condemnation of Modernism by Pope Pius X in 1907 shook Roman Catholic theology to its foundations. Foremost among those implicated was the Jesuit George Tyrrell, who was excommunicated. Here, archive material allows the story of his life to be told afresh
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 264-270) and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Tyrrell, George, 1861-1909.
Tyrrell, George, 1861-1909
Catholic Church -- England -- Clergy -- Biography
Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 19th century
Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 20th century
Catholic Church -- Clergy -- Biography.
Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 19th century
Catholic Church -- doctrines
Catholic Church -- history -- 20th century
Catholic Church
Catholic ex-priests -- England -- Biography
Modernism (Christian theology) -- Catholic Church -- History of doctrines
Catholic ex-priests
Modernism (Christian theology) -- Catholic Church -- History of doctrines
Theology, Doctrinal
Genre/Form Electronic books
Form Electronic book
LC no. 89029993
ISBN 9786610810420