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Title Cold-water corals and ecosystems / Andre Freiwald, J. Murray Roberts (editors)
Published Berlin : Springer, [2005]


Description 1 online resource (xxxii, 1243 pages) : illustrations (some color), map (some color)
Series Erlangen Earth conference series
Erlangen Earth conference series.
Contents 880-01 Azooxanthellate corals in the late Maastrichtian-early Paleocene of the Danish basin : bryozoan and coral mounds in a boreal shelf setting / Michaela Bernecker, Oliver Weidlich -- Corals from deep-water methane-seep deposits in Paleogene strata of western Oregon and Washington, U.S.A. / James L. Goedert, Jörn Peckmann -- Growth, deposition, and facies of Pleistocene bathyal coral communities from Rhodes, Greece / Jürgen Titschack, André Freiwald -- Enhanced biodiversity in the deep : early Pleistocene coral communities from southern Italy / Italo Di Geronimo [and others] -- Sedimentary patterns in the vicinity of a carbonate mound in the Hovland Mound Province, northern Porcupine Seabight / Andres Rüggeberg [and others] -- Deep-water corals of the northeastern Atlantic margin : carbonate mound evolution and upper intermediate water ventilation during the Holocene / Norbert Frank [and others] -- Deep coral growth in the Mediterranean Sea : an overview / Marco Taviani, André Freiwald, Helmut Zibrowius -- U/Th-dating of deep-water corals from the eastern North Atlantic and the western Mediterranean Sea / Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, André Freiwald, Augusto Mangini -- Distribution and habitats of Acesta excavata (Bivalvia: Limidae) with new data on its shell ultrastructure / Matthias López Correa [and others] -- Deep-water coral occurrences in the Strait of Gibraltar / German Álvarez-Pérez [and others] -- An assessment of the distribution of deep-sea corals in Atlantic Canada by using both scientific and local forms of knowledge / Susan E. Gass, J.H. Martin Willison -- Deep-water corals and their habitats in The Gully, a submarine canyon off Atlantic Canada / Pål B. Mortensen, Lene Buhl-Mortensen -- Distribution of deep-water Alcyonacea off the northeast coast of the United States / Les Watling, Peter J. Auster -- Occurrence of deep-water Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata in the Gulf of Mexico / William W. Schroeder [and others] -- Southern Caribbean azooxanthellate coral communities off Colombia / Javier Reyes [and others] -- Habitat-forming deep-sea corals in the northeast Pacific Ocean / Peter Etnoyer, Lance E. Morgan -- Recent observations on the distribution of deep-sea coral communities on the Shiribeshi Seamount, Sea of Japan / Asako K. Matsumoto -- Mapping of Lophelia reefs in Norway : experiences and survey methods / Jan Helge Fosså [and others] -- Deep-water coral mounds on the Porcupine Bank, Irish Margin : preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise / Andrew J. Wheeler [and others] -- New view of the Belgica Mounds, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic : preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise / Anneleen Foubert [and others] -- Carbonate mounds off Mauritania, northwest Africa : status of deep-water corals and implications for management of fishing and oil exploration activities / Jeremy G. Colman [and others] -- Mapping, habitat characterization, and fish surveys of the deep-water Oculina coral reef marine protected area : a review of historical and current research / John K. Reed [and others] -- Predicting habitat for two species of deep-water coral on the Canadian Atlantic continental shelf and slope / Tanya L. Leverette, Anna Metaxas -- Monitoring environmental variability around cold-water coral reefs : the use of a benthic photolander and the potential of seafloor observatories / J. Murray Roberts [and others] -- Deep-water coral development as a function of hydrodynamics and surface productivity around the submarine banks of the Rockall Trough, NE Atlantic / Martin White [and others] -- Development of coral banks in Porcupine Seabight : do they have Mediterranean ancestors? / Ben De Mol, Jean-Pierre Henriet, Miquel Canals -- The seabed appearance of different coral bank provinces in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic : results from sidescan sonar and ROV seabed mapping / Veerle A.I. Huvenne [and others] -- Sedimentary processes and carbonate mounds in the Belgica Mound province, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic / Andrew J. Wheeler [and others] -- Sponge reefs in the Queen Charlotte Basin, Canada : controls on distribution, growth and development / Kim W. Conway [and others] -- Pockmark-associated coral reefs at the Kristin field off mid-Norway / Martin Hovland -- Sedimentological and geochemical environment of the Fugløy Reef off northern Norway / Björn Lindberg, Jürgen Mienert -- Molecular ecology of Lophelia pertusa in the NE Atlantic / Marie C. Le Goff-Vitry, Alex D. Rogers -- Population genetic structure of the Hawaiian precious coral Corallium lauuense (Octocorallia: Coralliidae) using microsatellites / Amy R. Baco, Timothy M. Shank -- Genetic circumscription of deep-water coral species in Canada using 18S rRNA / Kevin B. Strychar [and others] -- Deep-water Scleractinia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) : current knowledge of reproductive processes / Rhian G. Waller -- Reproductive ecology of three reef-forming, deep-sea corals in the New Zealand region / Samantha N. Burgess, Russ C. Babcock -- Lipids and nitrogen isotopes of two deep-water corals from the north-east Atlantic : initial results and implications for their nutrition / Kostas Kiriakoulakis [and others] -- Calcifying extracellular mucus substances (EMS) of Madrepora oculata -- a first geobiological approach / Joachim Reitner -- Are deep-water corals important habitats for fishes? / Peter J. Auster -- A habitat classification scheme for seamount landscapes : assessing the functional role of deep-water corals as fish habitat / Peter J. Auster [and others] -- Role of cold-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs as fish habitat in the NE Atlantic / Mark J. Costello [and others] -- Remarkable sessile fauna associated with deep coral and other calcareous substrates in the Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea / Helmut Zibrowius, Marco Taviani -- The metazoan meiofauna associated with a cold-water coral degradation zone in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic) / Maarten Raes, Ann Vanreusel -- Distribution and diversity of species associated with deep-sea gorgonian corals off Atlantic Canada / Lene Buhl-Mortensen, Pål B. Mortensen -- Attached benthic Foraminifera as indicators of past and present distribution of the coral Primnoa resedaeformis on the Scotian Margin / Andrea D. Hawkes, David H. Scott -- Preliminary study of bioerosion in the deep-water coral Lophelia, Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece / Richard G. Bromley -- Bioerosion patterns in a deep-water Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) thicket (Propeller Mound, northern Porcupine Seabight) / Lydia Beuck, André Freiwald -- Shallow-water Desmophyllum dianthus (Scleractinia) from Chile : characteristics of the biocoenoses, the bioeroding community, heterotrophic interactions and (paleo)-bathymetric implications / Günter Försterra [and others] -- The physical niche of the bathyal Lophelia pertusa in a non-bathyal setting : environmental controls and palaeoecological implications / Max Wisshak [and others] -- C and O isotopes in a deep-sea coral (Lophelia pertusa) related to skeletal microstructure / Dominique Blamart [and others] -- Investigations of age and growth for three deep-sea corals from the Davidson Seamount off central California / Allen H. Andrews [and others] -- Testing the reproducibility of Mg/Ca profiles in the deep-water coral Primnoa resedaeformis : putting the proxy through its paces / Daniel J. Sinclair [and others] -- Skeletal Mg/Ca in Primnoa resedaeformis : relationship to temperature? / Owen A. Sherwood [and others] -- Paleotemperatures from deep-sea corals : scale effects / Audrey Lutringer [and others] -- Climate records from the Faroe-Shetland Channel using Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) / Michael J. Risk, Jason Hall-Spencer, Branwen Williams -- High-resolution trace and minor element compositions in deep-water scleractinian corals (Desmophyllum dianthus) from the Mediterranean Sea and the Great Australian Bight / Paolo Montagna [and others] -- Identifying critical information needs and developing institutional partnerships to further the understanding of Atlantic deep-sea coral ecosystems / Kimberly A. Puglise, Robert J. Brock, John J. McDonough III -- Oceana's efforts to protect deep-sea coral in the United States / Michael F. Hirshfield, Santi Roberts, David L. Allison -- A cost effective approach to protecting deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems with an application to Alaska's Aleutian Islands region / Geoff Shester, Jim Ayers -- Conservation and management implications of deep-sea coral and fishing effort distributions in the northeast Pacific Ocean / Lance E. Morgan [and others] -- Deep-sea corals and resource protection at the Davidson Seamount, California, U.S.A. / Andrew P. DeVogelaere [and others] -- Conserving corals in Atlantic Canada : a historical perspective / Mark Butler
880-01/(Q Azooxanthellate corals in the late Maastrichtian-early Paleocene of the Danish basin : bryozoan and coral mounds in a boreal shelf setting / Michaela Bernecker, Oliver Weidlich -- Corals from deep-water methane-seep deposits in Paleogene strata of western Oregon and Washington, U.S.A. / James L. Goedert, Jörn Peckmann -- Growth, deposition, and facies of Pleistocene bathyal coral communities from Rhodes, Greece / Jürgen Titschack, André Freiwald -- Enhanced biodiversity in the deep : early Pleistocene coral communities from southern Italy / Italo Di Geronimo [and others] -- Sedimentary patterns in the vicinity of a carbonate mound in the Hovland Mound Province, northern Porcupine Seabight / Andres Rüggeberg [and others] -- Deep-water corals of the northeastern Atlantic margin : carbonate mound evolution and upper intermediate water ventilation during the Holocene / Norbert Frank [and others] -- Deep coral growth in the Mediterranean Sea : an overview / Marco Taviani, André Freiwald, Helmut Zibrowius -- U/Th-dating of deep-water corals from the eastern North Atlantic and the western Mediterranean Sea / Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, André Freiwald, Augusto Mangini -- Distribution and habitats of Acesta excavata (Bivalvia: Limidae) with new data on its shell ultrastructure / Matthias López Correa [and others] -- Deep-water coral occurrences in the Strait of Gibraltar / German álvarez-Pérez [and others] -- An assessment of the distribution of deep-sea corals in Atlantic Canada by using both scientific and local forms of knowledge / Susan E. Gass, J.H. Martin Willison -- Deep-water corals and their habitats in The Gully, a submarine canyon off Atlantic Canada / Pa⁺ћl B. Mortensen, Lene Buhl-Mortensen -- Distribution of deep-water Alcyonacea off the northeast coast of the United States / Les Watling, Peter J. Auster -- Occurrence of deep-water Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata in the Gulf of Mexico / William W. Schroeder [and others] -- Southern Caribbean azooxanthellate coral communities off Colombia / Javier Reyes [and others] -- Habitat-forming deep-sea corals in the northeast Pacific Ocean / Peter Etnoyer, Lance E. Morgan -- Recent observations on the distribution of deep-sea coral communities on the Shiribeshi Seamount, Sea of Japan / Asako K. Matsumoto -- Mapping of Lophelia reefs in Norway : experiences and survey methods / Jan Helge Fossa⁺ћ [and others] -- Deep-water coral mounds on the Porcupine Bank, Irish Margin : preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise / Andrew J. Wheeler [and others] -- New view of the Belgica Mounds, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic : preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise / Anneleen Foubert [and others] -- Carbonate mounds off Mauritania, northwest Africa : status of deep-water corals and implications for management of fishing and oil exploration activities / Jeremy G. Colman [and others] -- Mapping, habitat characterization, and fish surveys of the deep-water Oculina coral reef marine protected area : a review of historical and current research / John K. Reed [and others] -- Predicting habitat for two species of deep-water coral on the Canadian Atlantic continental shelf and slope / Tanya L. Leverette, Anna Metaxas -- Monitoring environmental variability around cold-water coral reefs : the use of a benthic photolander and the potential of seafloor observatories / J. Murray Roberts [and others] -- Deep-water coral development as a function of hydrodynamics and surface productivity around the submarine banks of the Rockall Trough, NE Atlantic / Martin White [and others] -- Development of coral banks in Porcupine Seabight : do they have Mediterranean ancestors/ Ben De Mol, Jean-Pierre Henriet, Miquel Canals -- The seabed appearance of different coral bank provinces in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic : results from sidescan sonar and ROV seabed mapping / Veerle A.I. Huvenne [and others] -- Sedimentary processes and carbonate mounds in the Belgica Mound province, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic / Andrew J. Wheeler [and others] -- Sponge reefs in the Queen Charlotte Basin, Canada : controls on distribution, growth and development / Kim W. Conway [and others] -- Pockmark-associated coral reefs at the Kristin field off mid-Norway / Martin Hovland -- Sedimentological and geochemical environment of the Fugl©ıy Reef off northern Norway / Björn Lindberg, Jürgen Mienert -- Molecular ecology of Lophelia pertusa in the NE Atlantic / Marie C. Le Goff-Vitry, Alex D. Rogers -- Population genetic structure of the Hawaiian precious coral Corallium lauuense (Octocorallia: Coralliidae) using microsatellites / Amy R. Baco, Timothy M. Shank -- Genetic circumscription of deep-water coral species in Canada using 18S rRNA / Kevin B. Strychar [and others] -- Deep-water Scleractinia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) : current knowledge of reproductive processes / Rhian G. Waller -- Reproductive ecology of three reef-forming, deep-sea corals in the New Zealand region / Samantha N. Burgess, Russ C. Babcock -- Lipids and nitrogen isotopes of two deep-water corals from the north-east Atlantic : initial results and implications for their nutrition / Kostas Kiriakoulakis [and others] -- Calcifying extracellular mucus substances (EMS) of Madrepora oculata -- a first geobiological approach / Joachim Reitner -- Are deep-water corals important habitats for fishes/ Peter J. Auster -- A habitat classification scheme for seamount landscapes : assessing the functional role of deep-water corals as fish habitat / Peter J. Auster [and others] -- Role of cold-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs as fish habitat in the NE Atlantic / Mark J. Costello [and others] -- Remarkable sessile fauna associated with deep coral and other calcareous substrates in the Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea / Helmut Zibrowius, Marco Taviani -- The metazoan meiofauna associated with a cold-water coral degradation zone in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic) / Maarten Raes, Ann Vanreusel -- Distribution and diversity of species associated with deep-sea gorgonian corals off Atlantic Canada / Lene Buhl-Mortensen, Pa⁺ћl B. Mortensen -- Attached benthic Foraminifera as indicators of past and present distribution of the coral Primnoa resedaeformis on the Scotian Margin / Andrea D. Hawkes, David H. Scott -- Preliminary study of bioerosion in the deep-water coral Lophelia, Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece / Richard G. Bromley -- Bioerosion patterns in a deep-water Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) thicket (Propeller Mound, northern Porcupine Seabight) / Lydia Beuck, André Freiwald -- Shallow-water Desmophyllum dianthus (Scleractinia) from Chile : characteristics of the biocoenoses, the bioeroding community, heterotrophic interactions and (paleo)-bathymetric implications / Günter Försterra [and others] -- The physical niche of the bathyal Lophelia pertusa in a non-bathyal setting : environmental controls and palaeoecological implications / Max Wisshak [and others] -- C and O isotopes in a deep-sea coral (Lophelia pertusa) related to skeletal microstructure / Dominique Blamart [and others] -- Investigations of age and growth for three deep-sea corals from the Davidson Seamount off central California / Allen H. Andrews [and others] -- Testing the reproducibility of Mg/Ca profiles in the deep-water coral Primnoa resedaeformis : putting the proxy through its paces / Daniel J. Sinclair [and others] -- Skeletal Mg/Ca in Primnoa resedaeformis : relationship to temperature/ Owen A. Sherwood [and others] -- Paleotemperatures from deep-sea corals : scale effects / Audrey Lutringer [and others] -- Climate records from the Faroe-Shetland Channel using Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) / Michael J. Risk, Jason Hall-Spencer, Branwen Williams -- High-resolution trace and minor element compositions in deep-water scleractinian corals (Desmophyllum dianthus) from the Mediterranean Sea and the Great Australian Bight / Paolo Montagna [and others] -- Identifying critical information needs and developing institutional partnerships to further the understanding of Atlantic deep-sea coral ecosystems / Kimberly A. Puglise, Robert J. Brock, John J. McDonough III -- Oceana's efforts to protect deep-sea coral in the United States / Michael F. Hirshfield, Santi Roberts, David L. Allison -- A cost effective approach to protecting deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems with an application to Alaska's Aleutian Islands region / Geoff Shester, Jim Ayers -- Conservation and management implications of deep-sea coral and fishing effort distributions in the northeast Pacific Ocean / Lance E. Morgan [and others] -- Deep-sea corals and resource protection at the Davidson Seamount, California, U.S.A. / Andrew P. DeVogelaere [and others] -- Conserving corals in Atlantic Canada : a historical perspective / Mark Butler
Summary Annotation Following the exciting exploration of hot vent and cold seep ecosystems, the rediscovery of cold- and deep-water coral ecosystems in our oceans with high-technology instrumentation is currently another hot topic in multidisciplinary marine research. Conventionally, coral reefs are regarded as being restricted to warm and well-illuminated tropical seas, but not with cold and dark waters of the higher latitudes. However, ongoing scientific missions currently shed light on the global significance of this overlooked ecosystem. Cold-water coral ecosystems are involved in the formation of large seabed structures such as reefs and giant carbonate mounds, and they represent unexploited paleo-environmental archives of Earth history. Like their tropical cousins, cold-water coral ecosystems harbour rich species diversity. Despite the great water depths, commercial interests more and more overlap with the coral occurrences. Damage created by human activities is already taking place worldwide and caused severe damage to the vulnerable ecosystem. The current key institutions involved in cold-water coral research have contributed 65 state-of-the-art articles covering the disciplines of geology and biology
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Description based on print version record
In Springer e-books
Subject Corals -- Congresses
Deep-sea ecology -- Congresses
Coral reef ecology -- Congresses
Deep sea ecology.
Coral reef ecology.
Sciences de la terre.
Coral reef ecology
Deep-sea ecology
Genre/Form proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Conference papers and proceedings.
Actes de congrès.
Form Electronic book
Author Freiwald, André, editor.
Roberts, J. Murray, editor.
International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals (2nd : 2003 : Erlangen, Germany)
ISBN 9783540276739