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Description Digital backlist titles from the Getty Publications Archives.
Subject area Visual Arts
  Media, Communication and Creative Arts
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Other name Getty Virtual Library


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Getty Virtual Library 6th International Conference on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture : Adobe 90 preprints : Las Cruces, New Mexico, U.S.A., October 14-19, 1990 / under the aegis of US/ICOMOS ; sponsored by the Getty Conservation Institute [and others]
Getty Virtual Library Accelerated aging : photochemical and thermal aspects / Robert L. Feller
Getty Virtual Library Airborne particles in museums / William W. Nazaroff [and others]
Getty Virtual Library Alexandria and Alexandrianism / papers delivered at a symposium organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities and held at the Museum, April 22-25, 1993
Getty Virtual Library Alkoxysilanes and the consolidation of stone / George Wheeler ; with annotated bibliography by Elizabeth Stevenson Goins
Getty Virtual Library The Amasis Painter and his world : vase-painting in sixth-century B.C. Athens / Dietrich von Bothmer ; with an introduction by Alan L. Boegehold
Getty Virtual Library American icons : transatlantic perspectives on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American art / edited by Thomas W. Gaehtgens and Heinz Ickstadt
Getty Virtual Library Ancient & historic metals : conservation and scientific research : proceedings of a symposium organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Conservation Institute, November 1991 / edited by David A. Scott, Jerry Podany, Brian B. Considine
Getty Virtual Library Ancient gems and finger rings : catalogue of the collection / Jeffrey Spier
Getty Virtual Library Ancient herbs in the J. Paul Getty Museum gardens / Jeanne D'Andrea ; illustrations by Martha Breen Bredemeyer
Getty : Vol. 1 Ancient portraits in the J. Paul Getty Museum / [Jiří Frel, Arthur Houghton, and Marion True, editors]
Getty Virtual Library Andrea Mantegna : the Adoration of the Magi / Dawson W. Carr
Getty Virtual Library Anglo-American exchange in postwar sculpture, 1945-1975 edited by Rebecca Peabody
Getty Virtual Library Anthony van Dyck : Thomas Howard, the Earl of Arundel / Christopher White
Getty Virtual Library Antiquity & photography : early views of ancient Mediterranean sites / Claire L. Lyons ... [et al.]
Getty Virtual Library The archaeology of colonialism / edited by Claire L. Lyons and John K. Papadopoulos
Getty Virtual Library Archaeometry of pre-Columbian sites and artifacts : proceedings of a symposium organized by the UCLA Institute of Archaeology and the Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California, March 23-27, 1992 / David A. Scott and Pieter Meyers, editors
Getty Virtual Library The Ardabil carpets / Rexford Stead
Getty Virtual Library The Armenian Gospels of Gladzor : the life of Christ illuminated / Thomas F. Mathews and Alice Taylor
Getty Virtual Library Art and eternity : the Nefertari wall paintings conservation project, 1986-1992 / Miguel Angel Corzo and Mahasti Afshar, editors