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Description Brill individual e-books includes the subject areas of European History and Culture collections, International Law, Language and Linguistics, and Educational Research.
Subject area Multi-disciplinary
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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Brill e-books Acquiring modernity : an investigation into the rise, structure, and future of the modern world / by Paul B. Paolucci
Brill e-books Adab and modernity : a "civilising" process? (sixteenth--twenty-first century) / edited by Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen
Brill e-books The adaptable Jesus of the fourth gospel : the pedagogy of the logos / by Jason S. Sturdevant
Brill e-books Addressing corruption allegations in international arbitration / by Brody K. Greenwald and Jennifer A. Ivers
Brill e-books African Higher Education in the 21st Century Epistemological, Ontological and Ethical Perspectives
Brill e-books Australian pentecostal and charismatic movements : arguments from the margins / edited by Cristina Rocha, Mark P. Hutchinson, Kathleen Openshaw
Brill e-books Basic and advanced statistical tests : writing results sections and creating tables and figures / Amanda Ross and Victor L. Willson
Brill e-books Beyond autonomy : practical and theoretical challenges to 21st century federalism / edited by Tracy B. Fenwick and Andrew C. Banfield
Brill e-books Brill's companion to Camus : Camus among the philosophers / edited by Matthew Sharpe, Maciej Kałuża, and Peter Francev
Brill e-books Brill's companion to the reception of Galen / edited by Petros Bouras-Vallianatos, Barbara Zipser
Brill e-books Chinese Contract Law - Theory and Practice : Second Edition
Brill e-books Construction of Disability in our Schools, The
Brill e-books Critical theories, radical pedagogies, and social education : new perspectives for social studies education / edited by Abraham P. DeLeon, E. Wayne Ross
Brill e-books Crossing cultural boundaries in East Asia and beyond / edited by Darwin H. Stapleton, Reiko Maekawa, Roberta Wollons
Brill e-books Dance and activism : a century of radical dance across the world / Dana Mills
Brill e-books Decolonial theology in the North Atlantic world / by Joseph Drexler-Dreis
Brill e-books Dispute resolution in the People's Republic of China : the evolving institutions and mechanisms / by Zhiqiong June Wang, Jianfu Chen
Brill e-books Doing Rebellious Research In and Beyond the Academy
Brill e-books Encyclopedia of queer studies in education / edited by Kamden K. Strunk and Stephanie Anne Shelton
Brill e-books The European Union and human rights / edited by Nanette A. Neuwahl and Allan Rosas