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Book Cover

Title The atmosphere and climate of Mars / [edited by] Robert M. Haberle, NASA-Ames Research Center, R. Todd Clancy, Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado, François Forget, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Paris, Michael D. Smith, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Richard W. Zurek, NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Published Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017


Description 1 online resource
Series Cambridge planetary science ; 18
Cambridge planetary science series ; 18.
Contents Cover; Half-title; Series information; Title page; Copyright information; Dedication; Table of contents; List of contributors; General Acknowledgments; 1 Introduction; References; 2 Understanding Mars and Its Atmosphere; 2.1 In the Beginning; 2.2 1962-1972: A Decade of Change With the First Wave of Spacecraft Exploration; 2.3 Viking: the Second Wave of Spacecraft Exploration of Mars; 2.4 The Third Wave of Spacecraft Exploration of Mars; 2.5 Mars Atmospheric Phenomena: Where Are We Now?; 2.5.1 Early Mars; 2.5.2 Middle Mars; 2.5.3 Modern Mars: the Present Atmosphere
2.6 Basic Parameters and Nomenclature2.6.1 Temperature; 2.6.2 Clouds; 2.6.3 Dust Storms and Mars Years; 2.7 Summary; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; References; 3 History of Mars Atmosphere Observations; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Pre-Viking Observations; 3.3 Viking and Post-Viking Years; 3.3.1 Viking Orbiters; 3.3.2 Viking Landers; 3.3.3 Phobos 2; 3.3.4 Hubble Space Telescope; 3.4 Ground-Based Spectroscopy; 3.5 Orbiters; 3.5.1 Mars Global Surveyor; 3.5.2 Mars Odyssey; 3.5.3 Mars Express; 3.5.4 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter; Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution; 3.6 Landers and Rovers
3.6.1 Mars Pathfinder3.6.2 Mars Exploration Rovers; 3.6.3 Phoenix; 3.6.4 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL); 3.6.5 Descent Profiles; 3.7 Looking to the Future; References; 4 Thermal Structure and Composition; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Thermal Structure; 4.2.1 Overview of Mars Atmosphere Thermal Structure; 4.2.2 Available Observations; Thermal Infrared Sounding; Radio Occultation Observations; Stellar Occultation Observations; Entry Profiles and Aerobraking; Observations From the Surface of Mars; 4.2.3 Observed Thermal Structure Lower Atmosphere Thermal Structure4.2.3.2 Middle Atmosphere Thermal Structure; Global Mean and Extreme Temperatures; Diurnal Variations and Tides; Inter-Annual Variations; 4.3 Composition; 4.3.1 Surface Pressure; 4.3.2 Nitrogen; 4.3.3 Argon; 4.3.4 Oxygen; 4.3.5 Carbon Monoxide; 4.3.6 Ozone; 4.3.7 Hydrogen Peroxide; 4.3.8 Hydrogen; 4.3.9 Nitrogen Monoxide; 4.3.10 Methane; 4.3.11 Upper Limits of Other Trace Species; 4.3.12 Isotopic Ratios; Carbon and Oxygen; Nitrogen and Noble Gases; Hydrogen; 4.4 Reference Atmosphere
4.4.1 Standard Mars Atmosphere4.4.2 Mars-GRAM; 4.4.3 Mars Climate Database; 4.5 Summary and Future Issues; Acknowledgments; References; 5 Mars Clouds; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Specific Cloud Morphologies and Occurrences; 5.3 The Global-Scale Distribution of Mars Water Ice Clouds; 5.3.1 Aphelion Cloud Belt; 5.3.2 Polar Hoods; 5.3.3 High-Altitude Hazes; 5.3.4 Inter-Annual Variability; 5.4 Water Ice Clouds in the Lower Boundary Layer: Phoenix LIDAR Observations; 5.5 Physical and Radiative Properties of Mars Water and CO2 Ice Clouds; 5.5.1 Cloud Physical Properties; 5.5.2 Cloud Radiative Properties
Summary This volume reviews all aspects of Mars atmospheric science from the surface to space, and from now and into the past
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Planets -- Atmospheres.
SCIENCE -- Earth Sciences -- Geography.
SCIENCE -- Earth Sciences -- Geology.
Planets -- Atmospheres
Mars (Planet) -- Atmosphere.
Mars (Planet) -- Climate
Mars (Planet)
Form Electronic book
Author Haberle, Robert M., editor.
Clancy, R. Todd, editor.
Forget, François, editor.
Smith, Michael D., 1966- editor.
Zurek, Richard William, 1947- editor.
ISBN 9781108181594