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Access this resource: EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service
Description EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service provides access to around 900 e-journal titles subscribed to by the Library. These titles are produced by a range of publishers. The service may be used to go straight to a particular title, or as a database of article references through the ArticleSearch option.
Subject area Multi-disciplinary
  Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
  Biological Science
Other name EBSCOHost EJS
  EBSCO e-journals


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica (Online) 01 Dec. 1999 - 31 Dec. 2007
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Administration & society (Online) 01 Jan. 1999-
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Adult education quarterly (American Association for Adult and Continuing Education : Online) 01 Jan. 1950 - 31 May 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service The American journal of clinical nutrition - 31 Jan. 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service The American journal of clinical nutrition - 31 Jan. 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English : Online) 02 June 2000 - 27 Apr. 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong (Online) 01 Sept. 2001-
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Applied psychological measurement (Online) 01 Jan. 1977 - 31 May 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Applied thermal engineering 01 Jan. 1996 - 05 June 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service
Asia Pacific journal of human resources 01 Jan. 1966 - 31 Dec. 2011,
01 Jan. 1966 - 31 Jan. 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Asia Pacific journal of anthropology (Online) 01 Jan. 2004 - 31 Dec. 2005
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service AWHONN lifelines (Online) 01 Jan. 2002 - 31 Dec. 2006
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology 01 Jan. 2000 - 31 Dec. 2004
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Biochemical journal (Online) 01 July 2002 - 15 Jan. 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Chembiochem (Online) 03 Aug. 2001 - 13 Apr. 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Clinical oral implants research (Online) 01 Feb. 1997 - 31 May 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Collection management (Online) 01 Mar. 1976 - 02 Jan. 2015
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Corporate governance (Bradford, England : Online) 01 Mar. 2001 - 29 July 2014
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Critical reviews in food science and nutrition (Online) 01 Jan. 1997-
EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service Current history (New York, N.Y. : 1941 : Online) 01 Nov. 2000 - 30 Apr. 2015