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Sage Deep Backfile
AAESPH review
01 Sept. 1975 - 31 Dec. 1979
Sage Deep Backfile
AAOHN journal : official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses
01 Jan. 1986 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
AAOHN journal (Online)
01 Jan. 1986 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
About campus (Online)
01 Mar. 1996 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Abstracts in anthropology
01 Aug. 1970 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Accounting history (London, England)
01 May 1996 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Accounting history newsletter
01 May 1996 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Acta sociologica (Online)
01 Jan. 1956 - 31 Oct. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society
01 Jan. 1983 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Adaptive behavior
01 June 1992 - 31 Jan. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Administration & society (Online)
01 May 1974 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Adoption & fostering (Online)
01 Apr. 1977 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Adult education (Cleveland, Ohio)
01 Oct. 1950 - 31 Dec. 1983
Sage Deep Backfile
Adult education quarterly (American Association for Adult and Continuing Education : Online)
01 Jan. 1984 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Adult learning (Washington, D.C. : Online)
01 Sept. 1989 - 30 Sept. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Sage Deep Backfile
Advances in dental research (Online)
01 Jan. 1987 - 31 Dec. 1998,
01 Dec. 1987 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Advances in structural engineering (Online)
01 Jan. 1997 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Affilia (Online)
01 Mar. 1986 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Aging and Human Development
01 Feb. 1970 - 30 Nov. 1972
Sage Deep Backfile
Aging & human development
01 Feb. 1970 - 30 Nov. 1972
Sage Deep Backfile
01 May 1989 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Alternative health practitioner (Online)
01 Mar. 1995 - 31 Oct. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Alternatives (Boulder, Colo.)
01 Jan. 1975 - 31 Oct. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Alternatives to laboratory animals : ATLA
01 June 1973 - 30 Sept. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
American Association of Industrial Nurses journal
01 Feb. 1943 - 31 Dec. 1968
Sage Deep Backfile
American behavioral scientist (Online)
01 Sept. 1960 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
The American economist
01 May 1960 - 31 Oct. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
American educational research journal (Online)
01 Jan. 1964 - 31 Jan. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
The American journal of Alzheimer's care and related disorders
01 Jan. 1986 - 31 Oct. 1986
Sage Deep Backfile
American journal of Alzheimer's care and related disorders & research
01 Jan. 1987 - 31 Jan. 1995
Sage Deep Backfile
American journal of Alzheimer's disease
01 Mar. 1995 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
The American journal of cosmetic surgery
01 Mar. 1984 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
The American journal of evaluation
01 Mar. 1998 - 30 Sept. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
American journal of health promotion : AJHP
01 June 1986 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
American journal of hospice & palliative care (Online)
01 Jan. 1991 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
The American journal of hospice care
01 Jan. 1984 - 30 Nov. 1990
Sage Deep Backfile
American journal of rhinology (Online)
01 Mar. 1987 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
American journal of small business
01 July 1976 - 30 Apr. 1988
Sage Deep Backfile
American journal of sports medicine (Online)
01 Jan. 1976 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
The American marketing journal
01 Jan. 1934 - 30 Apr. 1936
Sage Deep Backfile
American politics quarterly (Online)
01 Jan. 1973 - 31 Oct. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
American review of public administration (Online)
01 Apr. 1981 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
American string teacher
01 Jan. 1951 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Anaesthesia and intensive care (Online)
01 Aug. 1972 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Angiology (Online)
01 Feb. 1950 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Anglo-American law review (Online)
01 Jan. 1972 - 31 Jan. 1993
Sage Deep Backfile
Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology (Online)
01 Feb. 1897 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Annals of pharmacotherapy (Online)
01 Jan. 1992 - 31 Dec. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Annals (American Academy of Political and Social Science)
01 Jan. 1890 - 30 Nov. 1998
Sage Deep Backfile
Annals of the ICRP (Online)
01 Jan. 1977 - 31 Oct. 1998
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