Margaret Lawrence: An Eighteenth-Century Midwife / / Marie Nelson -- Stephanie Barron : (Re)Inventing Jane Austen as Detective / Anita Vickers -- Kate Ross : Where Have All the Dandies Gone? / Jerry L. Parker -- James Brewer : Sleuths and Carpetbaggers along the Mississippi River / Lawrence A. Kreiser, Jr. -- Peter Heck : Mark Twain as Detective / Ray B. Browne, Lawrence A. Kreiser, Jr. -- Caleb Carr : Running Away from the Darkness / Douglas Tallack -- Anne Perry : Victorian 'Istorian and Murdermonger / Linda J. Holland-Toll -- Peter Lovesey : No Cribbing on History / Margaret L. Foxwell -- Elizabeth Peters : The Last Camel Died at Noon as Lost World Adventure Pastiche / Gary Hoppenstand