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Book Cover
Author Buitenen, J. A. B. van

Title The Maitrayaniya Upanisad : a Critical Essay with Text, Translation and Commentary
Published Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2017


Description 1 online resource (160 pages)
Series Disputationes Rheno-Trajectinae Ser. ; v. 6
Disputationes Rheno-Trajectinae Ser
Contents Intro; PREFACE; Table of Contents; PART ONE; I. The Vulgate of the Maitrāyaņīya Upanişad and the Southern Maitrāyaņī version; II. The Maitrāyaņīya Upanişad : an attempt at reconstitution; III. Evaluation of the original Maitrāyaņīya Upanişad; IV. The composition of SM; V. The composite text of V 6.1-32; VI. The Appendix 7.8 ff; PART TWO; Note on Text and Translation; I. Text of the Vulgate; II. Translation and Notes; Bibliography
Notes Print version record
SUBJECT Upanishads. Maitrayāṇiyopaniṣad.
Upanishads. Maitrayāṇiyopaniṣad fast
Subject RELIGION -- Comparative Religion.
Genre/Form Electronic books
Form Electronic book
ISBN 3110806606