Roman law -- Bibliography : Articles on antiquity in Festschriften : the ancient Near East, the Old Testament, Greece, Rome, Roman law, Byzantium : an index / compiled by Dorothy Rounds
Here are entered works on legal systems derived from Roman law. Works on the laws regulating all the private relations of citizens to each other are entered under Civil law --subdivision Roman influences under individual legal systems or under the law of a jurisdiction, e.g. Common law--Roman influences; Law--Brazil--Roman influences
Roman law -- Manuscripts. : Apokrimata : decisions of Septimius Severus on legal matters / text, translation and historical analysis by W.L. Westermann ; legal commentary by A.A. Schiller
Roman law -- Political aspects -- Congresses : The impact of justice on the Roman Empire : proceedings of the thirteenth workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Gent, June 21-24, 2017) / edited by Olivier Hekster, Koenraad Verboven
Roman law -- Reception -- Netherlands : Tractatus de legibus abrogatis et inusitatis in Hollandia vicinisque regionibus / auctore Simone à Groenewegen Vander Made