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508 Found
1   Marine pollution -- 5 Related Subjects   5
2 Marine pollution.   159
3 Marine pollution -- Analysis. : BtN Newsbreak : August 15, 2019  2019 1
4 Marine pollution -- Arctic Ocean -- Congresses : The Arctic Ocean : the hydrographic environment and the fate of pollutants / edited by Louis Rey, with the assistance of Bernard Stonehouse  1982 1
5 Marine pollution -- Asia -- Congresses   2
6 Marine pollution -- Australia.   26
7 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Botany Bay (N.S.W.) : Heroes of our time / directed by Cathy Henkel and Catherine Marciniak ; produced by Chris Oliver  1991 1
8 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Case studies. : Nutrients in marine and estuarine environments / edited by Phillip R. Cosser  1997 1
9 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Congresses. : Conserving Australia's oceans : development of an oceans policy for Australia : outcomes of a national workshop convened by the Australian Committee for IUCN to provide input to the development of the commonwealth government's oceans policy : held at Gerringong, New South Wales 15 - 17 May 1997 / prepared by Diane Tarte and Pam Eiser  1998 1
10 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Corio Bay (Vic.)   2
11 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Great Barrier Reef (Qld.)   2
12 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Management.   2
13 Marine pollution -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney : Sydney deepwater outfalls : environmental monitoring programme pilot study  1988 1
14 Marine pollution -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney Region : Sydney coastal stormwater study / W.G. Rowlands ... [and others]  1992 1
15 Marine pollution -- Australia, Northern. : Finding solutions : derelict fishing gear and other marine debris in northern Australia / by Ilse Kiessling for National Oceans Office and Department of the Environment and Heritage  2003 1
16 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Port Phillip Bay (Vic.)   9
17 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Port Phillip Bay (Vic.) -- Software. : Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study : technical reports  1999 1
18 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Queensland. : Impact of marinas on water quality / prepared for the Australian Environment Council and the Water Quality Council of Queensland by the Department of Local Government, Queensland  1988 1
19 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Tasmania -- Measurement. : Flotsam and jetsam : beach survey results, January 1990-June 1991 / by Janet Slater  1991 1
20 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Torres Strait Islands (Qld.) : Torres Strait Baseline Study : pilot study final report, June 1993 : trace metal concentrations in sediments and selected marine biota as indicator organisms and food items in the diet of Torres Strait Islanders and coastal Papuans / Ian J. Dight, William Gladstone  1994 1
21 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Victoria.   6
22 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Victoria -- Gunamatta Beach : Microbiological health risk assessment at Gunnamatta Beach : report by Associate Professor C. K. Fairley and Dr. M. M. Sinclair  1999 1
23 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Victoria -- Gunnamatta Beach : Microbiological health risk assessment at Gunnamatta Beach : report by Associate Professor C. K. Fairley and Dr. M. M. Sinclair  1999 1
24 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Victoria -- Statistics.   2
25 Marine pollution -- Australia -- Victoria -- Western Port   2
26 Marine pollution -- Baltic Sea : Metals, metalloids, and radionuclides in the Baltic Sea escosystem / Piotr Szefer  2002 1
27 Marine pollution -- Baltic Sea -- Case studies : Smokestack diplomacy : cooperation and conflict in East-West environmental politics / Robert G. Darst  2001 1
28 Marine pollution -- Black Sea   3
29 Marine pollution -- California -- Santa Monica Bay -- Prevention.   2
30 Marine pollution -- China -- Hong Kong -- Congresses : Perspectives on marine environmental change in Hong Kong and Southern China, 1977-2001 : proceedings of an International Workshop Reunion Conference, Hong Kong, 21-26 October 2001 / edited by Brian Morton  2003 1
31 Marine pollution -- Congresses.   10
32 Marine pollution -- Danube River Watershed. : Water pollution control in the Danube basin : proceedings of the International Conference on Water Pollution Control in the Basin of the River Danube, held in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 20-23, June, 1989 / editor, M. Miloradov  1990 1
33 Marine pollution -- East Asia. : Report : Regional Workshop on Identification of Pollution Hot Spots in the East Asian Seas Region : Hua Hin, Thailand, 21-23 August 2002  2003 1
34 Marine pollution -- East Asia -- Congresses : Report : Regional Workshop on Identification of Pollution Hot Spots in the East Asian Seas Region : Hua Hin, Thailand, 21-23 August 2002  2003 1
35 Marine pollution -- Economic aspects : Reversing environmental degradation trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand : report, third meeting of the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation, Fangchenggang, China, 18th-21st April 2005  2005 1
36 Marine pollution -- Economic aspects -- South China Sea -- Congresses : Reversing environmental degradation trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand : report, third meeting of the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation, Fangchenggang, China, 18th-21st April 2005  2005 1
37 Marine pollution -- Economic aspects -- Thailand, Gulf of -- Congresses : Reversing environmental degradation trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand : report, third meeting of the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation, Fangchenggang, China, 18th-21st April 2005  2005 1
38 Marine pollution -- English Channel. : Coastal pollution : observations on the Report of the Select Committee on Science and Technology  1969 1
39 Marine pollution -- Environmental aspects.   27
40 Marine pollution -- Environmental aspects -- Australia. : Integrated resource management in Australia / Coastal Zone Inquiry  1993 1
41 Marine pollution -- Environmental aspects -- Australia -- South Australia -- St Vincent Gulf : Inquiry into Gulf St Vincent : report of the Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee  2000 1
42 Marine pollution -- Environmental aspects -- Congresses. : Defying ocean's end : an agenda for action / edited by Linda K. Glover and Sylvia A. Earle ; assistant editor, Arlo H. Hemphill ; foreword by Graeme Kelleher ; maps by Debra Fischman  2004 1
43 Marine pollution -- Environmental aspects -- Mediterranean Sea : Life in the Mediterranean Sea : a look at habitat changes / [edited by] Noga Stambler  2012 1
44 Marine pollution -- Environmental aspects -- Periodicals. : Marine environmental research  c1978- 1
45 Marine pollution -- Fiction : Louie and Snippy save the sea / Collette Dinnigan ; illustrations by Grant Cowan  2019 1
46 Marine pollution -- Government policy.   2
47 Marine pollution -- Government policy -- Australasia. : Australasian marine pollution laws / Michael W.D. White  2007 1
48 Marine pollution -- Government policy -- Australia.   3
49 Marine pollution -- Government policy -- Pacific Area : Marine pollution contingency planning : state practice in Asia-Pacific states / edited by Anastasia Telesetsky, Warwick Gullett, Seokwoo Lee  2017 1
50 Marine pollution -- Great Britain.   2
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