Land use -- Africa, East -- History : East Africa's human environment interactions : historical perspectives for a sustainable future / Rob Marchant
Land use -- Africa -- History : The great African land grab? : agricultural investments and the global food system / Cotula Lorenzo
Land use -- Africa, North : Land matters : can better governance and management of scarcity prevent a looming crisis in the Middle East and North Africa? / Anna Corsi and Harris Selod
Land use -- Africa -- Sociological aspects : Transnational land grabs and restitution in an age of the (de-)militarised new scramble for Africa : a pan African socio-legal perspective / edited by Tapiwa V. Warikandwa, Artwell Nhemachena & Oliver Mtapuri
Land use -- Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Planning : Integrated landscape approaches for Africa's drylands / Erin Gray, Norbert Henninger, Chris Reij, Robert Winterbottom and Paola Agostini
Land use -- Amazon River Valley : Amazonia : resiliency and dynamism of the land and its people / Nigel J.H. Smith [and others]
Land use and energy conservation : Implementing the new biology : decadal challenges linking food, energy, and the environment : summary of a workshop, June 3-4, 2010 / Paula Tarnapol Whitacre [and others] ; Planning Committee on Achieving Research Synergies for Food/Energy/Environment Challenges: A Workshop to Explore the Potential of the "New Biology", Board on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Land use and energy conservation -- Congresses : Implementing the new biology : decadal challenges linking food, energy, and the environment : summary of a workshop, June 3-4, 2010 / Paula Tarnapol Whitacre [and others] ; Planning Committee on Achieving Research Synergies for Food/Energy/Environment Challenges: A Workshop to Explore the Potential of the "New Biology", Board on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Land use -- Asia -- Case studies. : Conservation in a crowded world : case studies from the Asia-Pacific / edited by John Merson, Rosie Cooney and Paul Brown
Land use -- Asia, Central -- Management. : Environmental security and sustainable land use : with special reference to Central Asia / edited by Hartmut Vogtmann and Nikolai Dobretsov ; with the collaboration of Astrid Mittelstaedt
Land use -- Asia, Central -- Management -- Congresses : Environmental security and sustainable land use : with special reference to Central Asia / edited by Hartmut Vogtmann and Nikolai Dobretsov ; with the collaboration of Astrid Mittelstaedt
Land use -- Australia -- Broome (W.A.) : When history meets the new native title era at the negotiating table : a case study in reconciling land use in Broome, Western Australia : a discussion paper / Sue Jackson
Land use -- Australia -- Case studies. : When history meets the new native title era at the negotiating table : a case study in reconciling land use in Broome, Western Australia : a discussion paper / Sue Jackson