Iowa African American college students Biography : Invisible Hawkeyes : African Americans at the University of Iowa during the long civil rights era / edited by Lena M. Hill and Michael D. Hill
Iowa African Americans Buxton Antiquities : Exploring buried Buxton : archaeology of an abandoned Iowa coal mining town with a large black population / David M. Gradwohl and Nancy M. Osborn
Iowa Amish History : A peculiar people : Iowa's old order Amish : an expanded edition / Elmer Schwieder and Dorothy Schwieder ; with a new essay by Thomas J. Morain
Iowa Amish Kalona : Visits with the Amish : impressions of the plain life / Linda Egenes ; with woodcuts by Mary Azarian
Iowa Amish Social conditions : A peculiar people : Iowa's old order Amish : an expanded edition / Elmer Schwieder and Dorothy Schwieder ; with a new essay by Thomas J. Morain
Iowa Archaeology Guidebooks : The archaeological guide to Iowa / William E. Whittaker, Lynn M. Alex, Mary De La Garza
Iowa Architecture, Domestic Conservation and restoration Mason City : The last Wright : Frank Lloyd Wright and the rebirth of an American city / a film [produced and written] by Lucille Carra and Garry McGee ; directed by Lucille Carra ; production, Travelfilm Company
Iowa Architecture Iowa City : The University of Iowa guide to campus architecture / John Beldon Scott and Rodney P. Lehnertz ; with the assistance of Caroline Casey
Iowa Art, American History : Kinship with the land : regionalist thought in Iowa, 1894-1942 / E. Bradford Burns
Iowa Astronomers Biography : Twenty-three woodcock in twenty-two years : reflections on hunting, the night sky, and our place in the universe / Jeff Wilkerson