Hazardous wastes -- Alabama : Assessment of processing gelled GB M55 rockets at Anniston / Committee on Review of Army Planning for the Disposal of M55 Rockets of the Anniston Chemical Agent Disposal Facility, Board on Army Science and Technology, Division of Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Hazardous wastes -- Analysis -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. : RCRA waste management : planning, implementation, and assessment of sampling activities / prepared by Committee D-34 on Waste Management ; William M. Cosgrove, Michael P. Neill, Katharine H. Hastie, editors
Hazardous wastes -- Asia. : Contributions to the management of toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Development Workshop for education and training at tertiary levels in toxic chemicals and hazardous waste management, Bangkok, Thailand, September 28-30, 1993 / John E. Hay and Norman G. Thom (editors)
Hazardous wastes -- Australia -- Safety measures. : Management and disposal of hazardous industrial wastes / prepared by Maunsell and Partners for the Australian Environment Council and the Confederation of Australian Industry
Hazardous wastes -- Biodegradation -- Congresses : Application of phytotechnologies for cleanup of industrial, agricultural and wastewater contamination / edited by Peter A. Kulakow and Valentina V. Pidlisnyuk
Hazardous wastes -- Côte d'Ivoire : State-corporate crime and the commodification of victimhood : the toxic legacy of Trafigura's ship of death / Thomas MacManus
Hazardous wastes -- Environmental aspects -- United States -- Congresses : Identifying and reducing environmental health risks of chemicals in our society : workshop summary / Robert Pool and Erin Rusch, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Hazardous wastes -- Environmental aspects -- United States -- Data processing : Review of EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Process / Committee to Review the IRIS Process, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies