Hazardous substances -- Accidents -- Australia. : Australian standard for hazardous material incident reporting : proposal for a minimum data set : a discussion paper / National Occupational Health & Safety Commission
Hazardous substances -- Asia -- Management. : Contributions to the management of toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Development Workshop for education and training at tertiary levels in toxic chemicals and hazardous waste management, Bangkok, Thailand, September 28-30, 1993 / John E. Hay and Norman G. Thom (editors)
Hazardous substances -- Asia -- Management -- Study and teaching (Higher) : Contributions to the management of toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Development Workshop for education and training at tertiary levels in toxic chemicals and hazardous waste management, Bangkok, Thailand, September 28-30, 1993 / John E. Hay and Norman G. Thom (editors)
Hazardous substances -- Australia -- Victoria -- Point Wilson : Maunsell Pty. Ltd. West Point Wilson air quality study of combustion products : report no. 9114-08-001 revision A / prepared by D.H. Gayen ; checked by W.D. Mant ; authorised by A.G. Stewart
Hazardous substances -- Directories : International resources guide to hazardous chemicals : manufacturers, agencies, organizations, and useful sources of information / by Stanley A. Greene
Hazardous substances -- Economic aspects -- Australia -- Victoria -- Coode Island : Economic assessment : relocation of the bulk liquid hazardous chemical port and storage facilities from Coode Island to West Point Wilson : draft dated 24 November 1993 2:39pm. ; Economic assessment : the relocation of the port and bulk liquid hazardous chemical storage facilities from Coode Island to West Point Wilson : draft 12 November 1993
Hazardous substances -- Economic aspects -- Australia -- Victoria -- Point Wilson : Economic assessment : relocation of the bulk liquid hazardous chemical port and storage facilities from Coode Island to West Point Wilson : draft dated 24 November 1993 2:39pm. ; Economic assessment : the relocation of the port and bulk liquid hazardous chemical storage facilities from Coode Island to West Point Wilson : draft 12 November 1993
Hazardous substances -- Environmental aspects -- Australia. : BTEX personal exposure monitoring in four Australian cities / prepared by the Western Australian Department of Environmental Protection, the University of Western Australia, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Monash University, Victorian Environment Protection Authority, New South Wales Health, NSW Environment Protection Authority, SA Environmental Protection Agency, Flinders University and Murdoch University
Hazardous substances -- Environmental aspects -- Research : Hazardous materials in the hydrologic environment : the role of research by the U.S. Geological Survey / Committee on U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Research, Water Science and Technology Board, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources