Topical term added 7/2/07Use for wine and winemaking
Economic sectors - Viticulture : Shut out from the world : the Sackville Reach Aborigines Reserve and Mission 1889-1946 / by Jack Brook
Economic sectors - Whaling : Islands of inquiry : colonisation, seafaring and the archaeology of maritime landscapes / edited by Geoffrey Clark, Foss Leach and Sue O'Connor
Economic security -- Africa, Central : Les défis de la centrafrique : gouvernance et stabilisation du système économique : recherche de canevas pour amorcer la croissance / Roger Yele, Paul Doko, Abel Mazido
Economic security -- China : Politics and Policy in China's Social Assistance Reform : Providing for the Poor? / Daniel R. Hammond
Economic security -- Denmark. : Decent work in Denmark : employment, social efficiency and economic security / edited by Philippe Egger ... [and others]