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358 Found
1   Economic assistance, American -- 2 Related Subjects   2
2 Economic assistance, American.   175
3 Economic assistance, American -- 21st century   2
4 Economic assistance, American -- Afghanistan   8
5 Economic assistance, American -- Afghanistan -- Evaluation : Aid and stabilization in Afghanistan : what do the data say? / Ethan B. Kapstein  2017 1
6 Economic assistance, American -- Africa -- History -- 20th century : Betting on the Africans : John F. Kennedy's courting of African nationalist leaders / Philip E. Muehlenbeck  c2012 1
7 Economic assistance, American -- Africa, Sub-Saharan   3
8 Economic assistance, American -- Andes Region : Andes 2020 : a new strategy for the challenges of Colombia and the region : report of an independent commission sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations Center for Preventive Action / Daniel W. Christman and John G. Heimann, co-chairs ; Julia E. Sweig, project director  2004 1
9 Economic assistance, American -- Arab countries : US and EU : lack of strategic vision, frustrated efforts toward the Arab transitions / Danya Greenfield, Amy Hawthorne, and Rosa Balfour  2013 1
10 Economic assistance, American -- Asia   4
11 Economic assistance, American -- Asia, Central.   3
12 Economic assistance, American -- Bolivia   2
13 Economic assistance, American -- Bosnia and Herzegovina. : The price of peace : emergency economic intervention and U.S. foreign policy / David J. Rothkopf  1998 1
14 Economic assistance, American -- Cameroon -- History : Sixty Years of Service in Africa The U. S. Peace Corps in Cameroon  2023 1
15 Economic assistance, American -- Caribbean Area : Vaccine diplomacy in Latin America and the Caribbean : the importance of U.S. engagement : hearing before the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women's Issues of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, first session, November 18, 2021  2022 1
16 Economic assistance, American -- China. : China and the helping hand, 1937-1945  1963 1
17 Economic assistance, American -- Colombia   9
18 Economic assistance, American -- Colombia -- History : The past as prologue? : a history of U.S. counterinsurgency policy in Colombia, 1958-66 / Dennis M. Rempe  2002 1
19 Economic assistance, American -- Developing countries.   21
20 Economic assistance, American -- Developing countries -- Case studies. : The PISCES II experience / by Jeffrey Ashe  1985 1
21 Economic assistance, American -- Developing countries -- Congresses.   2
22 Economic assistance, American -- Developing countries -- History   2
23 Economic assistance, American -- Developing countries -- History -- 20th century : U.S. development aid--an historic first : achievements and failures in the twentieth century / Samuel Hale Butterfield ; foreword by Maurice Williams  2004 1
24 Economic assistance, American -- Developingcountries : Dollars, diplomacy, and dependency : dilemmas of U.S. economic aid / Robert F. Zimmerman  1993 1
25 Economic assistance, American -- East Asia -- History -- 20th century : Trade and security : the United States and East Asia, 1961-1969 / by Charles M. Dobbs  2010 1
26 Economic assistance, American -- Egypt   3
27 Economic assistance, American -- Ethiopia -- History : Enlightened aid : U.S. development as foreign policy in Ethiopia / Amanda Kay McVety  2012 1
28 Economic assistance, American -- Europe|   7
29 Economic assistance, American -- Europe -- History.   10
30 Economic assistance, American -- Europe, Western : The Marshall Plan : dawn of the Cold War / Benn Steil  2018 1
31 Economic assistance, American -- Evaluation.   3
32 Economic assistance, American -- Finance. : Public-private partnerships in foreign aid : leveraging U.S. assistance for greater impact and sustainability : hearing before the Subcommittee on State Department and USAID Management, International Operations, and Bilateral International Development of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session, July 12, 2016  2017 1
33 Economic assistance, American -- Former Soviet republics.   2
34 Economic assistance, American -- France : Gifts and Nations : the Obligation to Give, Receive and Repay  2003 1
35 Economic assistance, American -- Gaza Strip : Palestine Investment Fund and U.S. foreign aid / Leon D. Velasco, Editor  2013 1
36 Economic assistance, American -- Germany. : The Marshall Plan and Germany : West German development within the framework of the European Recovery Program / edited by Charles S. Maier, with the assistance of Günter Bischof  1991 1
37 Economic assistance, American -- Germany -- Berlin : Transforming America. Lesson 15, The Cold War. Part 3 / [produced and directed by Julia Dyer]  2005 1
38 Economic assistance, American -- Germany (West) : The Marshall Plan and Germany : West German development within the framework of the European Recovery Program / edited by Charles S. Maier, with the assistance of Günter Bischof  1991 1
39 Economic assistance, American -- Ghana : A role for social protection investments to support food and nutrition security : lessons from Ghana / Reid Hamel  2018 1
40 Economic assistance, American -- Government policy   2
41 Economic assistance, American -- Government policy -- Developing countries. : Dollars, diplomacy, and dependency : dilemmas of U.S. economic aid / Robert F. Zimmerman  1993 1
42 Economic assistance, American -- Government policy -- United States : Setting the right conditions for aid to Afghanistan, and other nations as well / by Anthony H. Cordesman with the assistance of Paul Cormarie  2022 1
43 Economic assistance, American -- Great Britain.   2
44 Economic assistance, American -- Guatemala -- History -- 20th century : On our own terms : development and indigeneity in Cold War Guatemala / Sarah Foss  2022 1
45 Economic assistance, American -- Haiti.   2
46 Economic assistance, American -- History.   3
47 Economic assistance, American -- History -- 20th century   2
48 Economic assistance, American -- History -- 20th century -- Congresses : Origins of the national security state and the legacy of Harry S. Truman. / edited by Mary Ann Heiss and Michael J. Hogan ; cover design, Katie Best  2015 1
49 Economic assistance, American -- History -- 21st century : Foreign aid and foreign policy : lessons for the next half-century / edited by Louis A. Picard, Robert Groelsema, and Terry F. Buss  2008 1
50 Economic assistance, American -- History -- Case studies   2
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