Rb as a positive transcriptional regulator during epithelial differentiation / Chantal E. Crémisi and Linda L. Pritchard -- pRb in the differentiation of normal and neoplastic cells / Deborah Pajalunga, Grazia Camarda and Marco Crescenzi -- Regulation of DNA replication by the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein / Erik S. Knudsen and Steven P. Angus -- New insights into transcriptional regulation by Rb : one size no longer fits all / Peggy J. Farnham -- Regulation of Rb function by noncyclin dependent kinases / Jaya Padmanabhan and Srikumar P. Chellappan -- Diverse regulatory functions of the E2F family of transcription factors / Fred Dick and Nicholas Dyson -- Regulation of E2F-responsive genes through histone modifications / Estelle Nicolas, Laetitia Daury and Didier Trouche -- Emerging roles for the retinoblastoma gene family / Jacqueline L. Vanderluit, Kerry L. Ferguson and Ruth S. Slack -- Rb and cellular differentiation / Lucia Latella and Pier Lorenzo Puri
Rb and Tumorigenesis examines how recent advances have demonstrated the interaction of Rb with chromatin remodeling enzymes. This new title explores the potential roles of these interactions in Rb functions and provides some evidence that distinct Rb co-repressor may target different genes in different phases of the cell cycle