Delaware African Americans History : Delaware's forgotten folk : the story of the Moors & Nanticokes / C.A. Weslager, with photographs by L.T. Alexander and drawings by John Swientochowski
Delaware Birds : Birds of Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia / Bruce Beehler ; photography by Middleton Evans ; editor, Robert F. Ringler ; forword by Chandler S. Robbins
Delaware -- Camden : Warner Mifflin : unflinching Quaker abolitionist / Gary B. Nash
Delaware -- Charters. : Charters of the old English colonies in America. : With an introduction and notes / by Samuel Lucas ... Pub. for the Society for the reform of colonial government
Delaware Child abuse : Facing crisis : a guidebook for Delaware families / Delaware Commission for Women, Dept. of Community Affairs
Delaware Corporation law Congresses : Can Delaware be dethroned? : evaluating Delaware's dominance of corporate law / edited by Stephen M. Bainbridge, UCLA School of Law ; Iman Anabtawi, UCLA School of Law ; Sung Hui Kim, UCLA School of Law ; James Park, UCLA School of Law
Delaware Corporations : Corporation laws of Delaware : relating to the organization, management, regulation and taxation of domestic and foreign business corporations with draft forms / by John S. Parker, author of "Where and how," editor of "The Corporation bulletin," "Corporation legal manual," and Corporation Law Department of "The American lawyer."
Delaware. Court of Chancery -- Influence -- Congresses : Can Delaware be dethroned? : evaluating Delaware's dominance of corporate law / edited by Stephen M. Bainbridge, UCLA School of Law ; Iman Anabtawi, UCLA School of Law ; Sung Hui Kim, UCLA School of Law ; James Park, UCLA School of Law
Delaware Court records Kent County : Court records of Kent County, Delaware,1680-1705 / edited by Leon deValinger, Jr., State Archivist of Delaware ; with a prefatory note by John Biggs, Jr., United States Court of Appeals, Third Judicial Circuit