Constitutional law -- Africa, Eastern. : Comparative constitutionalism and good governance in the Commonwealth : an Eastern and Southern African perspective / John Hatchard, Muna Ndulo, Peter Slinn
Constitutional law -- Africa, North : Political and constitutional transitions in North Africa : actors and factors / edited by Justin Frosini & Francesco Biagi
Constitutional law -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Constitutional resilience and the COVID-19 pandemic : perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa / Ebenezer Durojaye, Derek M. Powell, editors
Constitutional law -- America : American constitutions : a compilation of the political constitutions of the independent nations of the New world, with short historical notes and various appendixes / by José Ignacio Rodriguez, chief translator and librarian
Constitutional law -- American influences : Red, white, and kind of blue? : the Conservatives and the Americanization of Canadian constitutional culture / David Schneiderman
Constitutional law -- Argentina : Terraplanismo monetario e indulgencia jurídica : un análisis sobre la inconstitucionalidad de la inflación sistémica y el endeudamiento público crónico / E. D. Gross Sibona
Constitutional law -- Australia -- 1788-1919 : The Constitution and Government of Australia, 1788 to 1919 / William Pitt Cobbett ; edited by Anne Twomey ; assistant editor Amanda Sapienza
Constitutional law -- Australia -- Amendments : Referendums to be held on Saturday, the 31st day of May, 1913 : pamphlet showing the textual alterations and additions proposed to be made to the Constitution ... / R.C. Oldham, Chief Electoral Officer for the Commonwealth