Cistercians -- England -- History. / : English Cistercian monasteries and their patrons in the twelfth century / Bennett D. Hill
Cistercians -- Germany -- Marienfeld -- History : Das Bistum Münster. 11, Zisterzienserabtei Marienfeld / im Auftrage der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen ; bearbeitet von Wilhelm Kohl
Cistercians -- History -- Sources : Chronica monasterii de Melsa a fundatione usque ad annum 1406 : accedit continuatio ad annum 1406, a monacho quodam ipsius domus. Vol I, [1150-1225] / edited by Edward A. Bond
Cistercians -- Scotland -- History -- Sources : Registrum S. Marie de Neubotle : abbacie Cisterciensis Beate Virginis de Neubotle chartarium vetus, 1140-1528 = The register of St. Mary of Newbattle : the old cartulary of the Cistercian monastery of the Blessed Virgin of Newbattle
Cistercians -- Spiritual life -- Early works to 1800. / : The Cistercian world : monastic writings of the twelfth century / translated and edited with an introduction by Pauline Matarasso