Child welfare Aboriginal Australians Australia Western Australia : Telling our story : a report by the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Inc) on the removal of Aboriginal children from their families in Western Australia / Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Inc)
Child welfare Aboriginal Australians Congresses : Moving forward : achieving reparations for the stolen generations : conference papers, 2 day conference, 15 & 16 August 2001, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Child welfare Aboriginal Australians Exhibitions : Between two worlds : the Commonwealth government and the removal of Aboriginal children of part descent in the Northern Territory / Rowena MacDonald
Child welfare Aboriginal Australians South Australia : Tjitji tjuta atunymanama kamiku tjukurpawanangku = looking after children grandmothers' way : report to the Child Protection Policy and Planning Unit, S.A., on the Child Protection Project / from the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council
Child welfare -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Protecting childhood in the AIDS pandemic : finding solutions that work / edited by Jody Heymann, Lorraine Sherr, Rachel Kidman
Child welfare -- Australia -- Exhibitions. : Between two worlds : the Commonwealth government and the removal of Aboriginal children of part descent in the Northern Territory / Rowena MacDonald
Child welfare -- Australia -- Longitudinal studies. : Significant harm : unravelling child protection decisions and substitute care careers of children : perspectives of child welfare workers and biological parents / Elizabeth Fernandez
Child welfare -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.) : The unsuspected slums : an illustrated summary of a thesis submitted to the Melbourne University surveying the slum problem of Melbourne / by F. Oswald Barnett
Child welfare -- Australia -- Northern Territory. : Community action to promote child growth in Gapuwiyak : final report on a participatory action research project / Danielle Smith ; co-researchers: Paul Wununmurra...[and others]