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10000 Found
1   Antiquities -- 19 Related Subjects   19
2 Antiquities.   4158
3 Antiquities -- 13th century : Hoards, grave goods, jewellery : objects in hoards and in burial contexts during the Mongol invasion of Central-Eastern Europe / Mária Vargha  2015 1
4 Antiquities -- 19th century : Reading Late Antiquity / Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed, Mats Malm (eds.)  2018 1
5 Antiquities Aberdeen (Scotland) : Pits and boots : excavation of medieval and post-medieval backlands under the Bon Accord Centre, Aberdeen / Michael Roy  2021 1
6 Antiquities Aberdeen (Scotland) Congresses : Medieval art, architecture and archaeology in the dioceses of Aberdeen and Moray / edited by Jane Geddes  2016 1
7 Antiquities Aberdeenshire (Scotland)   3
8 Antiquities Abergavenny (Wales) History : An Anatomy of a Priory Church / edited by George Nash  2015 1
9 Antiquities Abila (Extinct city) : The necropolis of Abila of the Decapolis 2019-2021 Abdulla Al-Shorman  2022 1
10 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians   147
11 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia : The Aboriginal cultural heritage of the Merri Merri Creek : including the archaeological survey for Aboriginal sites from Craigieburn Road to Hernes Swamp / by Isabel Ellender for Merri Creek Management Committee  1997 1
12 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Adelaide Region (SA) : The stone implements of the Adelaide tribe of Aborigines now extinct / by Walter Howchin  1934 1
13 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Arnhem Land (NT)   2
14 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Australian Capital Territory Belconnen : Belconnen's Aboriginal past : a glimpse into the archaeology of the Australian Capital Territory / Peter Rimas Kabaila  1997 1
15 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Belconnen (ACT) : Belconnen's Aboriginal past : a glimpse into the archaeology of the Australian Capital Territory / Peter Rimas Kabaila  1997 1
16 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Borradaile, Mount, Region (NT) : Ancient ochres : the Aboriginal rock paintings of Mount Borradaile / David Andrew Roberts and Adrian Parker  2003 1
17 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Burdekin River Region (Qld) : Well beaten paths : Aborigines of the Herbert/Burdekin district, north Queensland : an ethnographic and archaeological study / Helen Brayshaw ; foreword by Isabel McBryde  1990 1
18 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Burrup Peninsula Region (WA) : Burrup rock art : ancient Aboriginal rock art of Burrup Peninsula and Dampier Archipelago Western Australia / Mike Donaldson  c2009 1
19 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Burrup Peninsula (WA)   4
20 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Cape York Peninsula (Qld) Exhibitions : Story place : Indigenous art of Cape York and the rainforest  2003 1
21 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Condah, Lake, Region (Vic) : Lake Condah heritage management strategy and plan, 1993 / Aboriginal Affairs Victoria in conjunction with the Kerrup Jmara Elders Aboriginal Corporation  1993 1
22 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Dampier Archipelago Region (WA) : Burrup rock art : ancient Aboriginal rock art of Burrup Peninsula and Dampier Archipelago Western Australia / Mike Donaldson  c2009 1
23 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Dampier Archipelago (WA) : Burrup rock art : ancient Aboriginal rock art of Burrup Peninsula and Dampier Archipelago Western Australia / Mike Donaldson  c2009 1
24 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Gog Range Region : Bruising the red earth : ochre mining and ritual in aboriginal Tasmania / edited by Antonio Sagona  1994 1
25 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Gosford Region (NSW) : Central Coast rock art : traces of the Aboriginal pre-history of the Gosford-Wyong region / Anthony Dunk  2012 1
26 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Grampians (Vic)   2
27 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Great Sandy Region (Qld) : "Relics of a by-gone race?" : managing Aboriginal sites in the Great Sandy Region / Ian McNiven  1994 1
28 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Herbert River Region (Qld) : Well beaten paths : Aborigines of the Herbert/Burdekin district, north Queensland : an ethnographic and archaeological study / Helen Brayshaw ; foreword by Isabel McBryde  1990 1
29 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Jinmium (NT) Dating : Out of Asia  1997 1
30 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Kakadu National Park (NT) : Report under section 10(4) of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 on the Kakadu Conservation Zone / Hon. Justice D.G. Stewart  1991 1
31 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Kimberley (WA)   6
32 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Lake Condah (Vic) : Lake Condah project Aboriginal archaeology : resource inventory / Anne Clarke  1991 1
33 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Law and legislation   2
34 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Mallacoota (Vic) : An archaeological survey of Mallacoota township, East Gippsland / by Stewart Simmons  1983 1
35 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Mangrove Creek (NSW) : What's changing : population size or land-use patterns? : the archaeology of Upper Mangrove Creek, Sydney Basin / Val Attenbrow  2007 1
36 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Mangrove Creek (Sydney Basin, NSW) : What's Changing : Population Size or Land-Use Patterns?  2004 1
37 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Melbourne (Vic)   3
38 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Melbourne (Vic) Guidebooks   2
39 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Merri Creek (Vic) : The Aboriginal cultural heritage of the Merri Merri Creek : including the archaeological survey for Aboriginal sites from Craigieburn Road to Hernes Swamp / by Isabel Ellender for Merri Creek Management Committee  1997 1
40 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia Mornington Peninsula (Vic) : An archaeological survey of the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria / by Hilary Sullivan  1981 1
41 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales   9
42 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales Collection and preservation Case studies : Aboriginal cultural heritage regional studies : an illustrative approach / David Guilfoyle  2006 1
43 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales Gosford Region : Central Coast rock art : traces of the Aboriginal pre-history of the Gosford-Wyong region / Anthony Dunk  2012 1
44 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales Hunter River Region Private collections Catalogs : Australian Museum's Aboriginal collections : Morrison Collection / Phil Gordon, Kathy Patrick  1994 1
45 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales Mungo, Lake : Lake Mungo : window to Australia's past / [Jim Bowler]  2002 1
46 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales New England : Aboriginal prehistory in New England : an archaeological survey of northeastern New South Wales / Isabel McBryde  1974 1
47 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales New England District : Aboriginal prehistory in New England : an archaeological survey of northeastern New South Wales / Isabel McBryde  1974 1
48 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales Ryde Region : Wallumedegal : an Aboriginal history of Ryde / Keith Vincent Smith  2005 1
49 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales Sydney Region Guidebooks : A field guide to Aboriginal rock engravings : with special reference to those around Sydney / Peter Stanbury & John Clegg with poems by David Campbell  1990 1
50 Antiquities Aboriginal Australians Australia New South Wales Tamworth Region : Australian Museum's Aboriginal collection : Tamworth Region / Peter White  1993 1
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